Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Putting His Cart Before The Hearse

obama, obama jokes, racism, trayvon, zimmerman, martha's vineyard, vacation, tea party, conservative, Hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, golf

Egypt is in chaos, our economy is a mess, there is still no accountability for the successful terror attack in Benghazi, "Fast & Furious" guns are still turning up in the murders of law enforcement personnel, Obamacare's major provisions are turning out to be unworkable and, oh yeah, Barack Hussein Obama has made it clear that he believes the FBI, the Florida police, and an impartial jury were all wrong in their belief that George Zimmerman is not a child-murdering racist - thereby helping kick off protests and racial violence around the country.

So what can this busy president do now? Go on vacation, of course! Yes, even though his family has only been back from their African frivolities for a few weeks, they're already packing their suitcases for another luxury stay in Martha's Vineyard, where they can swim, golf, dine at 5-star restaurants, and find other taxpayer-funded ways to solemnly honor the memory of Trayvon Martin.

Who, it now seems, may have been beating the hell out of George Zimmerman not out of personal fear, but because he thought Zimmerman might have been Gay.

Of course, there's no political benefit for Barry or Eric Holder to defend a man who may have been killed (in jury-certified self-defense) while perpetrating a violent hate crime, so we can expect for the racism angle to continue to be propagated by this administration ad nauseum.

When it's not on vacation, of course.


  1. St. Skittles a gay bashing homophobe......say it ain't so.
    At least when B. Hussein is on vacation, that's about the least amount of damage he's doing to the country.

  2. Call it "Presidential Welfare". We'll be paying for this bastard for decades.

  3. Really? Another vacation already? WTF? My wife was joking the other day that it was about time, and I was incredulous. They just got back from the African boondoggle. Good Lord, I just had a week off, relaxing on the couch, but had to go through a bunionectomy to get that. Although I can highly recommend a week of indolence fueled mainly by Percocets and Kamikazes.

  4. Mixed emotions here... My sensible half says that the more this creep is on vacation, the less damage he can do to our country. The other half is mad as hell because the creep has blown millions, maybe even billions of OUR DOLLARS on his pleasure.

    Still, I suppose race baiting must be hard work, especially if one aspires to become a master at it. Maybe someday, ol' Barry'll be a master baiter like his pals Sharpton and Jackson. Hey! I just remembered... Remember when Jesse said he wanted to cut Obama's nuts off? Ever wonder if he actually succeeded?

  5. Colby, I believe Jesse checked with Moochelle and found she had beaten him to the emasculation.

  6. Colby,

    And Jackson's comments are pretty much the reason his son will do jail time.

    Think about that, Jesse Jackson Junior will do jail time while Holder, Obama, and Clinton get away with far more ...

    Obama and Jarrett are NOTHING if not petty, thin-skinned, and vengeful.

  7. Another vacation? You'd think that after his speech a few weeks ago telling young Africans that they should give up on hopes for nice homes, air conditioning and their own personal transportation for the sake of saving the planet from "global warming", that he'd lay off his own immense carbon footprint for a bit.

    What I'd really like to see is some "climate scientist", many of which seem to have the well-funded spare time to figure out the carbon footprint of my dog... figure out what the carbon footprint has been of our current President, and compare it to previous Presidents.

    Nah. There's no Federal funding for that kind of educational research.

  8. Interesting. A foible in their rationale: domesticated dogs are not true carnivores. They eat lots of vegetable matter. But, hey! That doesn't fit their narrative. Wonder how many tree huggers will be willing to sacrifice their pets over this? My guess: zero. (They get to keep theirs. This only affects those evil, earth-destroying others...)

  9. Ya know, guys, it does not matter whether he is on vacation or not...the king's minions know their duty and will carry it out. Adolf Hitler cannot be traced to ANY of the atrocities of WW2...his guys just knew, and were only too glad to do what the Fuhrer wanted! The libs keep wailing about racism, but THEY ARE THE ONES KEEPING IT ALIVE! I know we all aware of that...thanks for the vent!!

  10. @John the Econ,

    According to that "research" then, we now know that PETA is actually one of those "green companies" now, and not simply a place for butchering pets... who knew?

  11. Just watched Fuerher Oliar wax philosophically again about the virtues of his 'Unaffordable Control Tax'. Loved seeing more brainless smiling lemmings standing behind him with a combined IQ equal to the number of Suns in OUR solar system. Great visual effects as well; you could hardly see the strings attached to the Presidential puppets aft of teleprompter boy. Ovacationer sez that our insurance rates are dropping like lies at a Jay Carney presser. A friend of mine (who is a Union member) explained to me how his 'Cadillac' Union insurance has tripled their annual deductibles and more than doubled their co-pays since this socialist regime took over. It is now cheaper for my friend to pay out of his own pocket for 12 annual visits to his Chiropractor, rather than use his 'Yugo' Union insurance. I told him the Union is just prepping him for the roll-over(bend-over)to Oelitist Care.

  12. Was caught driving behind an a$$hole with "Ă˜bama/Biden 2012", "God is not a Republican" and "I ♥ Ă˜bamacare" stickers last night. It was all I could do to keep from cramming my foot down onto the accelerator to help the socialist behind the wheel to understand the costs of their choices. But I realized that I was driving through a college town, so sightings of such obvious outward demonstrations of mental retardation are to be expected. So, instead, I was grateful for the functioning brain behind my eyes. "But for the grace of God, there go I..."

  13. @Emmantaler,
    As far as I know, if your rear end somebody (in any state), it is automatically your fault, even if the car in front of you slams on their brakes. So my advice is to pass the moron, get in front of them, then BAM! It helps to have a Romney, Tea Party, or pro-life sticker on your car, so you can tell the cops they rammed you because of your stickers. Not that I've ever actually DONE this, but boy, I sure have thought about it about a million times!

    Wherefore art thou? We sure pray all is well on the home front, and you're just taking a wee little well deserved break.

  14. Stilton: Hope all is well with you and your family, my thoughts and prayers are with you my friend!
    When you get back in the saddle, see if you can verify my following observation:
    Lately, I have been spending some time reading/researching 'body language'; specifically on how to tell when someone is lying. After paying VERY close attention to the aspects of Obama's body language, it has occurred to me that he lies whenever he opens his mouth to speak. True, it may seem subtle to some, and others(Obamites)may need to remove their Gubment supplied blacked-out goggles to see this, but it's there. Believe me.
    You are welcome.

  15. @David in SoCal,
    I just know that whenever Da Won comes on TV, my peril sensitive sunglasses go completely black. Same thing happens with Carney, Reid and Billary. Grab your towels and cover your butts!

  16. @David in SoCal, as someone who actually writes monthly checks for his health care, I can state with absolute authority that the not-so-amusingly-named "Affordable Care Act" is anything but.

    In 2008, Barack Obama promised I'd be paying $2,500/yr less for my care by the end of his first term. Instead, my family's health care costs (insurance and regular care itself) has gone up over 40% since Obama took office in 2009. (And we're all healthy too; I can't imagine how much it would be if we were not) Today I am paying over $4,000/yr more than I did when he took office.

    So where do I go to get my $6,500/year back?

  17. Jesse just said that if the Justice Department didn't file charges that he would suggest a boycott of Florida. I swear he did. CNN, I think.

  18. @Colby:
    Never mind the towel brother, the Openetrator regime will get past that barrier that like a hot knife thru butter. I suggest you you buy some 1/2" thick ballistic resistant fruit-o-da looms.
    @John the Econ:
    Are you kucking fidding me? YOUR rates went UP?! Can't be true; Ojesus just said this morning everyone's rates went down and MILLIONS got a rebate check!(still waiting for my rebate; guess if you are a legal tax-paying working citizen with a valid address, you are outta luck) Hang in there brother John, we all feel your pain. Hopefully many States will opt to secede from the Union, and we can all move there to live out our lives as normal Americans and not Comrades.
    God bless you all.

  19. Jessie and those dumb enough to follow him are going to boycott Florida?

    That would be Florida's win.

  20. @John the Econ- And have you seen what Stevie Wonder said about boycotting Florida? Neither has he. (Rimshot)

  21. From same-sex marriage, to abortion rights, gay rights, civil rights, EVERY issue we as a people are grappling with today....let us remember....

    John Adams warned in 1798, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Do you believe this? If so, in which category do you belong...and are you part of the problem or the solution?

  22. @Preacher Webb- Personally, I'm in the "moral" but not "religious" group. But John Adams was right - and those who lack morality (secular or religious) are definitely the problem.

  23. I do admire the efforts here through humor and the passion that each blogger obviously feels for the wefare of our nation. The truths of John Adam's, and others' quotes concerning the handling of our nation would probably be wasted on the prevailing mindset of too many people in this day. Now, 'moral' and 'religious' can have totally different meanings. Also, simply because one is either does not automatically qualify as part of the solution, as many of the muslim faith show us. We really do require the guidance and delivering power of a supernatural power, because, as a student of the Word of God, as others I'm sure will agree, we are not dealing only with human vagaries, but spiritual problems which have been slowly seeping the fabric of our country. God bless you all here and I will continue to enjoy your work. Good day to you.
