Shooting His Mouth Off
In the ongoing battle between gun owners and the Whitehouse, Joe Biden has come forward to tell worried homeowners that they don't "need" an AR-15 for protection, and that they should instead "Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!"
And in the event of a home invasion, what should innocent citizens DO with their two shots? According to Joe (in advice given to his wife), they should walk outside and "put that double-barrel shotgun up and fire two blasts outside the house!"
Unfortunately, this means that the homeowner is now effectively unarmed and - oh yeah! - has just committed a felony in many states by firing randomly at the neighbors with no regard to what damage may occur.
Much the way Joe's mouth does at news conferences.
Rice Baiting
Hope n' Change isn't even going to try to put a humorous spin on this godawful story. Susan Rice, who made the rounds of the Sunday news shows following last year's 9/11 terror attacks in Benghazi and blamed a YouTube video, has now gone on the Jon Stewart show to do more damage.
Specifically, Rice said that the murder of four Americans was a tragedy, but the subsequent investigation is "the bigger tragedy."
And what was the reacton of Stewart's studio audience? Riotous applause.
Frankly, Hope n' Change thinks that Susan Rice should henceforth have no more protection from danger than Ambassador Stevens did. And if, heaven forbid, something bad happens - we hope that no one will create a bigger tragedy by investigating it.