Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Freak Show

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In these days of hope n' change, a lot of people need to learn new job skills. The skills are, incidentally, saying either "Welcome to Walmart," or "Want fries with that?"


  1. Not sure why this one is sooo funny. Maybe because it has so much politically incorrect truth in it...

  2. Mostly I like this because the sad sack chickenman just appeals to my sense of humor.

    But in a larger sense, here's a person who was clearly perfectly suited to his previous job, but now has to scramble for whatever will pay the bills. That's a scenario a lot of people can relate to these days.

  3. The scariest that I have seen in local friends is the retired community who have suddenly lost enormous percentages of their retirement and will probably end up doing something like being a Walmart greeter just to pay their medical bills and home taxes. *sigh*


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