Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Vegetable Garden

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Apparently when it comes to mocking the mentally challenged, the President feels we've been "a nation of cowards" for too long.


  1. That combined with the new provisions in the porkulus bill, we are going to have euthenasia for the elderly and the infirm by the time I am old enough to be such...or before. I have truly decided lately that I am afraid to "get old" in the "new America". Obama a reincarnation of Lincoln? Ha. Hitler, maybe. (I guess I shouldn't type such things so publicly eh?)

  2. Tom Daschle, who authored much of the medical plan that the Dems are getting ready to ram through, said that Americans need to embrace the European concept of the "hopeless diagnosis" - in other words, accept that you're too old to waste medical funds on, and it's time to die for the greater economic good. Combine that with a belief that euthanasia is simply "pro-choice," ala abortion, and I fear that we'll see euthanasia actively encouraged as a civic duty.

  3. Maybe he missed the note where it said he's only allowed to make fun of white, Caucasian, heterosexual, healthy men. And hamsters.

  4. Of course, it's only fair to make fun of hamsters - gerbils have been the butt of jokes long enough.

  5. WOW...well at least it is as funny in the end as it was in the beginning. Lame.


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