Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bow to the King

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The Whitehouse now denies that Obama bowed down to the Saudi king, despite video and photos to the contrary. They say that "The President is taller than the king, so he had to bend to shake hands." Here's a hint, Mr. President - when they're looking down on the back of your head, you're bending over too far. And too willingly.


  1. Okay this is just getting too scary...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'd like to think that this is just another case of the new Administration being clueless about protocol, but I think the bow was deliberate (and it's being widely praised in the Arab media).

    When you look at the picture and hear the Whitehouse explanation that this is simply how Obama shakes hands with shorter people, it's clear we're being lied to. And why lie if you're not doing something wrong?

    Combine this with Obama's speech at the G20 summit decrying America's "arrogance" and it's clear that the bow was intentional. And troubling.

  4. Well yeah, compare the visit with the Queen of England with this visit here...he did not bow to the Queen, I don't think??? Not to mention Michelle thinking she can just pal around with her....


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