Saturday, April 11, 2009


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America's Commander in Chief is bravely tackling the capture of US vessels by "keeping apprised of the situation" . Which is helpful

UPDATE 4/12/09 - Captain Richard Phillips was safely rescued by Navy Seals, after President Obama gave the go-ahead to use military force. This was the right thing to do, and we commend the President for taking this initiative. Policy-wise, this really IS "change we can believe in."


  1. LOL this one made me laugh...

    I'll have to think about "Which is helpful because..." for a bit. Hm.

  2. Per the update on the main page, the President authorized military force on the high seas. Results - 3 dead pirates, 1 captured pirate, and 1 freed American captain.

    Even though Hope n' Change rarely sees eye-to-eye with the President, he did exactly the right thing by authorizing the Navy Seals to go in, and we applaud him for it.

  3. I was surprised to see him take this military move, but I'm extremely glad he did. I'll bet the pirates aren't :)

  4. Note well aftyer the fact (new to the archives) - The Seals opened fire and conducted the rescue against the explicit orders of the (now former) President. The Navy brass tried to court martial them for it, and so 'someone' leaked the news of the rescue to the press - and then Obama reversed course and retroactively claimed credit. The Seals were still informally punished.

  5. @McChuck- Eight years after the initial post, we now know that Obama was actually pissed off about the Seals taking action. I'm pretty sure that this is the ONLY post I ever did that praised Obama for doing the right thing...and it turns out that I was wrong to even do that. Geez...


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