Friday, April 3, 2009

The Queen's iPod

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Maybe the iPod can be worn by the bust of Winston Churchill which the Obamas returned to England after deciding they didn't want it in the Whitehouse.


  1. I hadn't heard that about the Winston Churchill thing...Wow.

  2. The Brits gave the bust of Winston Churchill to the Whitehouse following the 9/11 remind us to resist fear and stay strong in the face of adversity.

    When the Obamas moved in, they contacted the Brits to say "you can have it back." The Brits replied that the bust of Churchill wasn't a personal gift to George Bush, but rather to the American people, and it could therefore stay in the Whitehouse. The Obamas then clarified "we don't have room for it," and sent it back. The English press - and English people - considered this a tremendous slap in the face, and justifiably so.

  3. *Gasp* Wow. I had not heard about that. I guess the media kept that one pretty quiet. I don't even remember reading it on Fox News.

  4. You can Google "Churchill" and "Bust" and find a lot of articles about it. I've put a link under the cartoon (just click on the name "Winston Churchill").

  5. It chills me that this guy who is supposed to be great on international peace is snubbing his nose at the best ally our country has...and our other close ally, Israel, is not far behind. I am not sure how he expects to keep our country safe with no allies...unless he thinks he is magical enough to turn China or North Korea into our best buds. *shaking head*


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