Friday, May 15, 2009

44 Cents

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Even with the rate hikes, the post office is basically going broke because they give tremendous price breaks to junk mail. And, of course, because it costs a lot to feed the snails who deliver the mail.


  1. Awwww I like our postman! And our mail is usually pretty timely, barring a few isolated events.

    Although it IS kinda sad that for the money it takes to ship some secondhand clothes to my neice, I could buy a whole 'nother outfit...*sigh*

  2. You're spot on about most everything, but your comment about the "junk mail" merely echoes the sentiments of the postal unions. It's an easy target, sure, but the truth is that bulk business mailers have been propping up the postal service for decades. It's the declining volume of first class mail and parcel services, combined with ridiculous management policies and strangling unions that are killing the postal service. Fact: one out of every nine jobs in the U.S. are tied to mailing...

  3. Good points, Circa Bellum, and you sound like you know what you're talking about.

    I do know that the main problem for the post office is the management/union policies. Disagreements tend to be arbitrated by third parties who essentially give in to BOTH sides, raising costs at a time when diminishing business makes it preposterous.

    I oversimplified - or perhaps just got it wrong - to fit things into a 3-panel strip. Thanks for the correction!


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