Saturday, May 9, 2009


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The President claims to love "transparency" even when it hurts the country and makes CIA agents afraid to collect further intelligence. Yet he has a team of lawyers concealing his own birth certificate (and possible lack of citizenship). Which, in fairness, does seem pretty transparent...


  1. And then there are his school transcripts which we can not see.

  2. You wouldn't think a President who preaches "transparency" would need to employ full time lawyers to hide such basic documents, would you?

  3. Its scary to me that something so basic to the Constitution as the citizenry of a President is being SO swept under the carpet. I mean...assuming that the only reason to hide a document is because something is wrong with it...

  4. Suzy, you're entirely right. There is NO reason to hide this documentation unless there's something wrong with it.

    Remember when CBS news and Dan Rather tried to destroy President Bush using (poorly) forged documents about his military record? But now, they won't even press to see real documents that could determine whether or not the country has a legitimate president.


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