Thursday, June 25, 2009


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At his recent press conference, the President said he would "wait to see how things play out" in Iran before speaking up in defense of the protestors who are being shot in the streets. However, in an unusual display of backbone the President has finally revoked his invitation to Iranian diplomats to visit American embassies for punch and cookies on the 4th of July. That'll show 'em!


  1. Hope n' Change is always my first website of the day. Great to start the day with a good laugh and a wry smile. Oh, and a bottle of Scotch wouldn't hurt, too.

  2. Bob, hanging over the editorial desks at Hope n' Change is a majestic banner proclaiming "Laugh Frequently, Smile Wryly, and Chivas Regally."

  3. This blog is now one of my favorites. God bless you and I will share your cartoons.

  4. Thanks afrocityblog! I encourage people to use the cartoons on their own sites whenever they want (preferably with a link back here, but as long as the whole cartoon remains intact it's fine), and I really appreciate the additional exposure. By the way, you've got a good-looking blog!


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