Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hello Down There

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A recent poll of the President's approval numbers showed a double-digit drop from just a few weeks ago, owing to soaring unemployment rates, expanding deficits, the failure of the "stimulus," lack of Presidential support for allies or freedom fighters, and unceasing criticism of the President's policies by media powerhouse Hope n' Change Cartoons.

Okay, the poll didn't really mention Hope n' Change, but we can dream...


  1. I noticed that today...Yeah! The media can't hide it forever... of course the scary thing is that now is a "good time" for the President to manufacture another "crisis" of some sort in order to boost those ratings. Yikes.

  2. Just for the record, astute political observer Mrs. Hope n' Change has predicted that there will soon be a popularity-building pregnancy for the first couple.

    That should provide more than enough media distraction for the President to finish dismantling the country without any questions.

  3. We're trying to help you rank the self-proclaimed hindrance to BO's poll numbers. I received one of your cartoons in an email. I then posted a previous cartoon on my blog with a link to yours.

    It's a true grassroots effort. Kinda like TEA Party. It's a Hope N Change Cartoons party.

  4. Tales from the Hopey N Changey :

  5. Richard D, sincere thanks for sharing the cartoon! We're trying to spread Hope n' Change but it takes support from readers to get the word out.

    Just for the record, ANYone is free to re-post the cartoons anywhere they like, as long as the web address remains part of the cartoon (though a link back is better, and much appreciated). Thanks again!

  6. Philip, thanks for the link to "Tales from the Hopey N Changey!" This is a very funny parody of the old EC "Tales from the Crypt" type comics - with a modern political twist. Check it out, folks!
