Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vineyard Vacation

Click cartoon for larger size
The president and his family will be vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, staying at a $30,000-per-week rental property. While there, he plans to "think about the hardships that people are going through."

He might also spend some time with a good book, like Webster's dictionary, and look up "irony."

For the millions of Americans who can't afford vacation plans, here's a free souvenir travel poster from the Hope n' Change Gift Shoppe!

Click poster for larger size


  1. People gave Bush and Cheney SUCH a hard time for going on vacation...and I honestly do not remember them taking half the vacations the Obamas have, especially not in just this short time since taking office. Not even a year yet, and how much money have they spent on vacation so far????? Counting the expensive "date" in NYC they flew to, and one out west, and one in Hawaii, now MV....and wherever else I'm forgetting. Boy all that lying and conniving and post-office campaigning is exhausting, isn't it....

  2. This is what happens when a radical tries to force legislation on the American people.

    I think America is beginning to realize their getting wee wee'd on.

    Maybe next time the American electorate will not risk the Presidency on a man with zero prior experience. Because we're paying for his Change.

    Rasmussen: Obama Approval Index At Record Low -14

  3. By the way, isn't it interesting that the president's disappearance from the public eye coincides with the first day of Ramadan? During this time, Muslims have a meal before sunrise, fast all day, but can eat after dark.

    But if Barack Hussein is in Martha's Vineyard, well, I guess we won't know if he's eating lunch or not...

  4. Wow, Stilt....I didn't realize that! That is, indeed, very interesting.

    I still think its a crying shame we even have to THINK of a think like light of 9/11.

  5. Great blog Stilt. Thanks for the visit to Obama Cartoons. It will be my honor to post some of your work there. I've put you on blogroll there and also put you on my primary blog, Totus at

    I see you are a MD, I don't often recommend blogs to others, but I have a friend in TN who is a ER doctor and his is a unique and hard hitting blog with satire you may want to check out

  6. Thanks Ron - it's much appreciated! And readers, check out Ron's blogs...good stuff!

  7. By the way, Ron, the "MD" following my name is largely honorific (in other words, I'm not a doctor at all). It's a long story, but for now you can assume that "MD" stands for "Mad at Democrats."

  8. Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago

  9. Thanks, Philip. I highly recommend that people check out the link above: it's a cartoon that was made 50 years ago which contrasts the qualities that made our country great with the empty promises of socialism.

    And gosh, the Snake Oil Salesman in the cartoon looks awfully familiar. I think maybe I saw him around Martha's Vineyard recently...


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