Friday, September 11, 2009

Busy September

Click Cartoon for Larger Size
Eight years ago, everything changed. For those of us who remember, it will never change back - nor should it.

Take time today to think again of the victims and heroes of 9/11, and the many men and women who have fought and died to protect us and others around the world from the horrors of terrorist acts and radical ideologies.

And think too about those who would weaken our country in the face of those threats, and ask "why?"

Mark Scudder's 9/11 commemorative album "don't wait" is available free 9/11/09 only.
Click album cover to go to the download site.


  1. God Bless all the victims and heroes of 9/11.

    This morning, everything changed for me too.

  2. Found this linked on Facebook by one of my friends. Such a perfect and poignant comment. I made some music after losing a friend in WTC1 and I'm giving it away for free today to say thank you.


  3. Mark, I'm adding a link to your album. I'm sorry for your loss, and very appreciative of your comments.

  4. We will never forget, despite so many in this country who would like us to forget....or already have.

  5. Suzy, this administration forgot. Because for them, terrorists didn't hit the country.

    Actually, Overseas Contingency Operators Hit New York City With A Man Caused Disaster

  6. A quick personal note - my local paper, The Dallas Morning News - carried only a single article about 9/11 today. That article (from the AP), buried on page 5, was about the way Muslims feel stress in America on 9/11 (although they cited no actual incidents of prejudice), and concluded with a quote from a Muslim-American who declared that he avoids the news on 9/11 because of the "drumbeating and warmongering."

    So this is how a major American newspaper remembers the day: by accusing those of us who will "Always Remember" as being ethnically intolerant and "warmongers."

    The mainstream media isn't forgetting the past...they're actively trying to erase it.

  7. God Bless you Stilton, I added your wonderful cartoon to my page. You summed up my feelings exactly.

  8. Afrocity, thank you. Readers, I encourage you to visit her blog (click "Autographed Letter Signed" under "Great Blogs) for her own beautifully expressed thoughts about 9/11.

  9. Just FYI, guys :

  10. Bammy didn't go to New York for this event.

    But he did when Walter Cronkite died...

  11. This was great. The meaning of 9-11 has been avoided by government and especially the media for years. I see where Philip is going. It shows Obama's priorities, as well as his beliefs.


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