Sunday, September 13, 2009

Moore or Less

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To the surprise of precisely no one, liberal darling Michael Moore has declared that his new documentary proves capitalism is "evil" and "you have to eliminate it." The movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story" is debuting in Venice, so that Mr. Moore's handlers will have access to enough water to frequently moisten his vast, wrinkly hide.

Thought question for Michael Moore: if all of Obama's social giveaways depend on taxing the rich...then who'll pay for the "pie" if capitalism is abolished? Oh yeah, nobody.


  1. Well, the Big Fat Ugly liar is coming back, huh ?

    I really doubt that Moore knows what the Capitalism is.

  2. It still amazes me that Hollywood calls MM crap a "documentary". Will the madness ever end?

  3. Pleasingly, Moore's film didn't win a single jury award at the Venice Film Festival, which will be a huge blow to the distributors who had hoped to EARN MONEY (ahem) releasing the film.

  4. All liberals love capitalism. They just don't want EVERYONE to enjoy it.

    Kinda like when I was a kid and my sister and I got the same gift...I always wanted her to mess hers up so mine was better. It was no fun having the same was only fun if I had the best. Horrible confession to make I know...

    Hmm why does this administration keep reminding me of being a little kid???

  5. The left can't let inconvenient things, like reality, interfere with their plans.
