Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Treat: Democrats Monster Mash-Up!

There's a Halloween party on Capitol Hill, as the Democrats release their stitched-together healthcare "creation" on a terrified world!

Take a look at their scary celebration...and don't forget to c
lick on the "envelope with arrow" icon at the bottom of this post to send a link to friends! (Video is also available on YouTube )


  1. Stilt, if you want a real Halloween, watch this :

  2. Your vid is excellent !

  3. That is the first time I've enjoyed that song since I was 10!

  4. Glad people are enjoying the video! This is a "" creation...all we had to do was plug in the ghoulish faces. But the whole "mad scientist's lab" seemed an appropriate metaphor for the creation of the healthcare bill.

    And personally, I don't know if I'll ever be able to think of Nancy Pelosi without picturing her as the Bride of Frankenstein!

  5. Hi Stilt,
    The Reid and Pelsoi made me laff the hardest

  6. Let's just hope that good conqueres over evil as this video points out who is evil
