Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hide and Seek

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To prove that his presidency would be "transparent," Obama promised that all healthcare negotiations would be broadcast live for the American people to watch. But now, those negotiations have moved behind doors that are locked to Republicans, the media, the medical establishment, and the American public.

But if the president won't honor his previous promise, shouldn't we be all the more worried about his new "promises" that Obamacare won't bankrupt the country, destroy the medical system, or order seniors to early graves?

Mr president, either all your promises have to mean something...or none of them do.


  1. Sometimes I wish there was more that "we the people" could do about this.

    I guess "we the people" already voted him in. *sigh*

  2. Suzy, "we the people" can also vote him out and, even before that, vote to reduce the Democratic majorities which currently empower him.

  3. Can't wait!!!!

    Although I have this pet peeve and I haven't heard it complained about much in the news...but can anyone explain to me how the primaries work? Because this last election, John McCain was already the nominee before we here in PA even got to cast our votes. Wouldn't it be more fair if the primaries were held on one day like the elections?

  4. Suzy, it seems like it would be more fair, but in reality the drawn out process helps test more candidates and shake out the losers bit by bit.

    But the system clearly has flaws. In the last presidential primary, the majority of Republicans wanted a conservative candidate...but they split those votes between a lot of conservatives. Meanwhile, McCain (with the media's enthusiastic help) attracted the moderate-weenie vote...and though his numbers were never impressive, they were more than any one conservative got (but never remotely equal to the total of conservative votes cast).

    Which is how we ended up with the worst Presidential choices, on both sides, in living memory.

  5. That and the fact Dem's are allowed to register last minute to vote republican, in order to pick someone like McCain they know they can beat.

  6. White House boasts (on camera): We 'control' news media

  7. Philip, sadly the only thing surprising about the story is that they admit it. What has happened to journalism in this country?!

  8. Stilt, obviously the journalism died in November 2008...


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