Friday, October 16, 2009

Mister Helpful

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Grasping for any travel opportunity which gives him an excuse to leave the Oval Office in a time of war, the president flew to New Orleans to make somber faces in remembrance of Hurricane Katrina. Unfortunately, many residents of the storm-battered coastal states consider the president's brief four hour visit to be nothing more than a photo-op at their expense.

In fairness to Obama, despite "expert" opinions that global warming would cause catastrophic hurricanes this year, it was the mildest hurricane season in 27 years, without a single hurricane making American landfall since the president took office. Coincidence? We think not.


  1. Are you saying Obama actually keeps hurricanes away, like they insisted George Bush was supposed to do? haha... Poor racist George Bush who let the hurricane get a minority-filled city....

    By the way, how many years are going to go by before NO stops asking for handouts? Is this going to be the next American grudge since slavery? "We deserve an apology because we didn't have our city immediately rebuilt and our homeless people put in mansions following the aftermath of Katrina."

    We could donate some cheese to go with their whine...

  2. What happened to our country ?

  3. "Grasping for any travel opportunity which gives him an excuse to leave the Oval Office in a time of war..."

    Would it be okay with you if he were using that time to clear brush in Crawford, Texas?

  4. Anonymous, the point (in case you only watch MSNBC) is that the troops in Afghanistan desperately need reinforcements to keep from losing the war, but Obama is delaying that decision...and delaying...and delaying while still making time for a pointless 4 hour campaign stop in New Orleans, followed by a $34,000 per couple fundraiser in San Francisco.

    But purely apart from that, yes, we would prefer seeing Obama try his hand at manual labor and useful work rather than what he is doing, so thank you for asking!

  5. I find it amazing that the media was sure we knew exactly how many war deaths occurred on Bush's watch...however nobody has told us how many deaths are being caused by Obama's indecision. :-(

  6. Speak for yourself, Suzy - I'm keeping my cheese ;-)


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