Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The War of Necessity

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The president called Afghanistan "the war of necessity" and described it as "fundamental to the defense of our people." Yet he's ignoring General McChrystal's plea for additional troops and, in the resulting bloodbath, giving the Taliban and terrorists hope for what would once have seemed unthinkable: a victory over the United States.

The longer the president postpones a decision, the more American soldiers die and the stronger the enemy forces get. But Obama has suggested that he wants to get healthcare "resolved" before devoting his time and energy to Afghanistan. So in record numbers, American troops are dying while the president plays political games. Unfortunately, as the world learned in Copenhagen, he's not as good at games as he thinks he is...


  1. Takes an awful lot of time an effort to vote 'present' on key issues ... good to see that he is incapable of multitasking.

    Not like he's President or anything like that...

  2. The sad part is he's just going to blame all the deaths on Bush, saying we wouldn't be there if it weren't for him...of course, if you remember during the election, they were slamming Bush for NOT going into Afghanistan right away... The other sad part is the media is hiding these deaths.

  3. Dan & Suzy, it's increasingly clear that Obama never truly supported the war in Afghanistan, but only claimed to do so as a way of attacking the Iraq war. He called Iraq "the war of choice," but insisted Afghanistan was "the war of necessity."

    At least, he did until he actually had to prosecute that war, and take responsibility for its success or failure. And as Dan points out, he's just voting "present" - failing to make a decision - while American troops pay with their lives for each day of dawdling and posturing.

  4. FYI :

    Bill Ayers: “I wrote Dreams From My Father”



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