Monday, November 9, 2009

Earth To Janet...

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Before anyone gets their prayer rugs in a twist, we are not equating Islam with swine flu. We are, however, suggesting rather strongly that Janet Napolitano shows a continuing inability to identify or act on real threats to our country.

The Homeland Security Secretary, while visiting Abu Dhabi, told Arabs that her department would be working to prevent any possible "wave of anti-Muslim sentiment" after the killing spree of Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

That's an interesting choice of words, Janet. Why should Homeland Security be involved with shaping the "sentiments" of the American people? Shouldn't you be doing other things like, oh, giving heightened scrutiny to people with access to military bases who post praise of suicide bombers online?

And why, when speaking at an international forum, would the Secretary continue to paint an ugly, untrue picture of America's citizenry as a potentially dangerous, anti-Muslim mob? Apparently, encouraging a wave of anti-American sentiment is still considered acceptable by this administration.

UPDATE: ABC News is now reporting that the CIA was aware for months that Hasan was trying to contact suspected members of Al Qaeda. So, Janet, were the soldiers killed because the Obama administration's rigid enforcement of political correctness prevented this critical information from being acted on?


  1. The Crisis Is Approaching :

    Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts to Contact al Qaeda

    We complain quite a bit about the MSM ignoring or averting their eyes from cases of suspected Sudden Jihad Syndrome, but this is the lead story on ABC News right now, and the Washington Post has a front page story on Hasan's link to an imam who crossed paths with two 9/11 hijackers.

    Is anyone else in our military ranks trying to reach out to al-Qaeda?

    Did we ever learn the 9/11 lessons ?? Apparently not. I have a proof : We've elected an inexperienced man in the WH. Enough already...

  2. Philip- Great link; that's the first I've heard of the possible Al Qaeda ties. Although I'm more stunned that ABC is reporting it than anything else.

  3. 2010...then IMPEACH.

  4. Anonymous- I think the evidence is stacking up for impeachment.

  5. I'm surprised not alot of people have mentioned impeachment yet. It was a huge thing for Clinton of course, and then of course tons of people thought Bush should be impeached over the war (although what we were *supposed* to do in response to 9/11 is anybody's guess) but with our President closer to anti-American ties as anyone ever has been, nobody has even breathed a word of the possibility of impeachment..??? Not to mention the birth certificate thing is still hiding under the carpet, or with the other skeletons in the closet.

  6. Hey, Philip it is not he WH it was elected into, it was the OO (Oral Office). We need to use the correct terms to make sure everyone understands what is housed in the OO that is in Was. DC.
    just trying to help out.


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