Monday, November 23, 2009

Party Politics

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With the holidays approaching, what better time could the president have chosen to announce that he's
slashing the size of the annual Whitehouse recognition of Hanukkah?

Although he recently hosted an extravagant Whitehouse Ramadan banquet, the most debt-loving president in the history of the universe has balked at the expenses involved in serving kosher dishes to Jews. What a schlemiel...


  1. Good grief, its like the gulf war in a nutshell right at the White House....

  2. Stilt, I find this article really appropriate for this comic, but I understand if you may not agree and you can do with this comment as you will:
    I will say that for anyone who believes what is written in the article...its a scary thing to see someone in the White House who is backing off of our support for Israel.

  3. It's an Islamic Baby Huey in the White House throwing his party tantrums. "What a schlemiel..."

  4. Suzy- Thanks for the link. For people who may be interested, it's an analysis of the current situation from a more biblical perspective.

    Red- An "Islamic Baby Huey" is the most delightful (and accurate) image I've heard described in a long time.

  5. And still the sheeple who voted this poser into office refuse to see him for what he is.
    Sad for America, very sad....


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