Saturday, November 14, 2009

Worm in the Big Apple

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A bad joke? You bet! But not as bad a joke as Eric Holder's decision to bring Khalid Sheik Mohammed to New York to stand trial for his role in planning and executing the 9/11 attacks.

By making this a criminal (rather than military) trial, the intelligence gathering operations of the United States will almost certainly be compromised. And do we really want to risk another decision along the lines of "if the glove don't fit, you must acquit?"

Moreover, by bringing 9/11's mastermind into the heart of New York, Holder increases the likelihood that the city will be ground zero for new attacks.

Of course, it seems unlikely that Holder would take such a bold (and preposterous) step without first getting the approval of Barack Hussein Obama. But as the president has claimed no role in making the decision, we don't want to jump to conclusions...
IN ALL SERIOUSNESS: Want to do something about this travesty? Follow this link to "The Bravest," where you can sign a letter from New York's firefighters, police, and the families of 9/11 to tell Obama to stop this anti-American circus before it starts.


  1. Oooo. Yikes.

    I hope they defeat this move on part of the DoJ. Clearly the lights in the WH are on but nobody is home.

  2. Red- Yes, this is seriously bad craziness. Perhaps it's time to officially change "White House" to "WTF House."

  3. Man, he’s all over the map. literally. He has no truth. he knows no truth.

    Flashback : Obama pretty happy about KSM getting a “full military trial”

  4. Chuckled at the first frame, groaned at the last. haha.

    And then the headlines today, saying Obama does NOT want Congress to get involved, "yet", in the investigation of the Fort Hood Massacre....

    Obama loves his own.

  5. "Perhaps it's time to officially change "White House" to "WTF House."
    They did that back in January ;-)

  6. Stilt, no related here but did you remember when we talked about this president who wants be everything everywhere and plays many sides.

    Well, here we go again :

  7. Philip- right you are! Now Obama is claiming to be the "first Pacific president," which will help him relate to all of the Asians he's bowing and scraping to.

  8. "...stop this anti-American circus before it starts."

    Too late. The ringleader's already been sworn in, and he's appointed a Cabinet, and so...

    Oh, wait. You were talking about the trials. My bad.
