Thursday, December 10, 2009

Airport Insecurity

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Officials with the Transportation Security Administration posted an airport security screening manual online, with all of our (formerly) top secret security vulnerabilities clearly visible - making it a virtual "Terrorism for Dummies" manual for anyone who wants to easily get through airport security with their bombs or other weapons.

Potential terrorists now know that small gauge wires won't pick up in X-rays, that wheelchairs and orthopedic shoes won't be inspected, and that travelers from certain countries get extra screening (so prior to a terror mission, you should fly from an "approved" country). As a special bonus, the manual
also includes samples of identification for Federal Air Marshals, police, and the CIA...making it easy for anyone with Photoshop and a laminator to make a fake ID.

Aren't you glad that the government will never be in charge of keeping all of your financial and medical information confidential? Oh wait...


  1. It would be funny if it weren't so ridiculously horrible.

  2. Suzy- I think you've just come up with Obama's new 2012 campaign slogan!

  3. HAH!
    Stilton just caused my keyboard to get covered with coffee!

  4. Drjim- Didn't you read the TSA's top secret security manual? We quote: " not attempt to read Hope n' Change Cartoons when liquids of any type are held in the oral cavity."

  5. I don't think Obama has that "transparency" thing quite right...

  6. Sorry, Stilton, but I haven't read the manual yet!


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