Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hot Pants

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The Obama administration barely escaped 2009's second successful terrorist attack on American soil when Umar Abdulmutallab's bomb failed to fully detonate as Flight 253 was descending into Detroit.

As much as we'd like to joke about an "underpants bomb," this is far from a laughing matter. Although Abdulmutallab had known terror connections, and despite the fact that his father had warned US officials months ago, his name was not on the "no fly" list. And it was only two weeks ago that the TSA accidentally released their top secret security manual online, making it possible (and in all likelihood a certainty) that Abdulmutallab knew his bomb components would pass airport security screenings.

And so Umar's 72 virgins will be kept waiting...while the American people keep waiting for this president to get serious about terrorism.


  1. Philip- the bomber was on a terrorism "watch list," but for some reason (political correctness?) authorities didn't take the additional step of adding his name to either the "no fly" list, or even the list that suggests the person receive extra scrutiny before flying.

  2. In all fairness to the US/TSA it was an incoming oversea flight. The security is not controlled by TSA or the FBI or the CIA.

  3. Anonymous- You're right, but the US shouldn't accept any incoming overseas flights unless they've been screened to our satisfaction. This isn't simply a jurisdictional's a question of whether we have "system that works" or not. Currently, it doesn't.

  4. The guy tries to set a bomb off in his crotch so he can get his 72 Virgins. What did he plan to do with them when he got there?


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