Friday, December 18, 2009

Precipice of History

Click Cartoon for Larger Size
When Hope n' Change thinks about the great American process of creating legislation, we imagine civilized patriots who write concisely, thoughtfully, and selflessly to create laws for the common good. In other words, we are delusional.

Barack Obama, caught without a teleprompter or a dictionary, said that we are now on "the precipice of Healthcare," meaning we're all at the edge of a cliff...and the Democrats are right behind us, pushing as hard as they can.

Obama breathlessly claims that the nation will go bankrupt unless we pass a bill which paradoxically raises spending and increases debt. Meanwhile, Harry Reid and company are doing their best to hide the details of the bill from the Republicans, the public, the media, and any of their own members who still have a shred of decency...while polls increasingly show that the majority of voters are against this takeover of our health, our liberty, and a large percentage of our economy.

In other words, had these Democrats been running the show in 1776, the preamble to the Constitution wouldn't say "We the people," it would say "Screw the people..."


  1. Stilt, we think the same :

  2. Hopefully the nice Nor'easter coming up the coast this weekend will crash their ideas with some nice "global warming"....

    I did see in the news this morning the Dems are starting to fight among themselves. Hopefully all the Republicans have to do is bide their time until the Dems self-destruct and then take over again in 2010.

  3. Philip- Thanks for the link...a great cartoon! It makes reference to a quote from Thomas Jefferson that I hadn't heard, but is astoundingly applicable: "If the people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls of those who live under tyranny."

  4. I think it's awesome how all these global greenies embark on Copenhagen in their private jets and such. Helluva way to set that example of ,"Do as we say, not as we do".

  5. Good point, red. They also *ran out of limos* in Copenhagen, and had to bring more in from surrounding countries.
    "Let them eat cake", indeed!

  6. Drjim- OHhhh, that's cake! I thought they were suggesting we should eat something else...

  7. As long as it's organically grown, pesticide free, low energy, carbon neutral, dolphin safe cake, we can have it!


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