Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Agony of Defeat

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A full day after their devastating defeat in Massachusetts, Democrats still aren't sure what hit them. And they're even more concerned about what's going to hit them in November.

Oh, they could move more to the center, and try practicing the "America first" bipartisanship that Obama campaigned on. Frankly, we'd like to see that. Or they can "double down" on the dirty tricks, to try to force Americans into accepting the very things they just voted against.

Either way, if you're a true Obamacrat Liberal in'll be looking for a new job by December.


  1. Hi Stilton Jarlsberg

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  2. Hmmm Vijay seems to have other motives than reading conservative comics...

    Anyway very happy to see the country begin to turn the tide...hope it continues!

  3. As always Doc, you hit the nail right on the head.

  4. ...I just hope he doesn't Poo on the floor...but unlike the liberals in Congress at least he'd be standing still when he's crapping


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