Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh Ye Of Liberal Faith

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When news first broke that Rush Limbaugh had been taken to a Hawaiian hospital suffering from chest pains, the Internet exploded with tweets, blog posts, and instant messages from liberals. Unfortunately, it seems that many of them were hoping and, yes, praying for Rush's death.

Even here at Hope n' Change, where we don't exactly hold liberals in the highest regard, we were surprised - and nearly sickened - by the amount and degree of hatred, ignorance, racism and blood lust expressed online. And not just from the usual small-time bloggers and twittering halfwits. No, full blown media outlets joined in the vicious attacks. The politics of the left has become bloodsport.

But Rush Limbaugh is fine, and will be back on the air starting Wednesday. We're grateful for that. And if a lot of liberals are now bitter and angry that their so-called "prayers" went unanswered, we're grateful for that too.


  1. I'll second that Amen and raise you a Hallelujah!

  2. Hopefully the liberals' "hotline" stays down until 2012....

  3. I'm praying for a Palin/Nugent ticket. Yeehaw!

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    That would be one hell of a ticket!

    Lock & Load!!!

  5. Funny how the left was looking for a Hawaiian Death Certificate


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