Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Terrorist Crotch List

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Oh, those hilarious, naive babies! They think something magical will happen just by looking into underpants!

Unfortunately, the same naivety is a lot less hilarious when it's the basis for Janet Napolitano's frontline defense of our airways. She's calling for hundreds of new full-body scanners which will allow the government to peek into our panties, while refusing to institute rational profiling techniques (of the type successfully used by Israel) to concentrate the TSA's attention on those most likely to commit acts of terror.

Ironically, experts say that the new scanning technology probably wouldn't have detected the "underwear bomber's" device, which raises the possibility that the new army of government crotch-watchers will be hired only to cause the president's limp "jobs created" number to rise. So to speak.


  1. Israel does their airlines right...we could certainly learn from them.

  2. The phrase "Having a load in one's diapers" will certainly have new meaning after this!

  3. I like your new header, Stilton... looks great. I and my readers really enjoy your work, sir...

    Keep up the Good Fight... OUR side's winning now!

  4. Suzy- According to the Israelis, we don't have a system for airport security, we have a system "for bothering people."

    Proof- If a TSA agent is specifically hired to make sure there's no contraband in diapers, will his job title be a "No Shit Sherlock?"

    Reaganite Republican- Thanks for the good words; we're getting very positive feedback on the site changes!

  5. John Byrnes- both your points and blog are very interesting (readers, it's worth checking it out) and we agree with most of what you're saying.

    Behavioral means of detection appear to be one of the really promising areas to explore as part of the broader security picture, but it won't be a foolproof system (nor will any other).

    Certainly, Hope n' Change doesn't advocate ethnic profiling as a sole method of looking for terrorists. Profiling - ethnic or otherwise - is a useful tool, though, and not one we can afford to discard. But the aggression assessment techniques you've described could certainly help make any screening process more effective.


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