Monday, February 22, 2010

Ice Capades

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Unsurprisingly, when you put thousands of young, attractive, and physically fit men and women in a small, confined area, there's an awful lot of temptation. So much so that the Olympic organizers made sure to supply the athletes with 100,000 avoid the embarrassment of a previous Olympics which ran low after supplying "only" 70,000.

There is, however, a certain parallel to the world of politics. Like the Olympic village, Washington is a small, confined area. And with access to unlimited taxpayer funds, there's an awful lot of temptation.

The big difference is that the Olympians are only screwing each other.


  1. Ok, I'LL remind people to check out George Will's CPac speech.

  2. At least they're keeping it w/in species.

    We hope...

  3. This made me laugh out loud. Thanks! Very appropriate comparison!


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