Thursday, March 18, 2010

Flag Waiving

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Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the United States rushed in to help - with money, medicine, and manpower. To date, we've already given over $179 million in humanitarian aid... but Barack Obama has just ordered all U.S. installations to take down their American flags, lest we be seen as an "occupying army" rather than "international partners."

It is patently appalling that a president of the United States would consider our flag to be a symbol of militaristic takeovers and colonialism, especially when serving (to a greater degree than any other nation on Earth) a humanitarian purpose.

Additionally, who would think we'd want to occupy Haiti?! Did Bush and his cronies plant secret explosives causing every building in the country to collapse, as a pretext for us to rush our evil, invading armies in to take over Haiti's great supply of poor, starving people?

No other country giving aid in Haiti has lowered its flag. But then again, no other country has a leader who is offended by their own flag.

QUIZ TIME: Guess which one of these pictures Barack Obama found disturbing?


  1. Great one, Stilton!
    I can hardly wait until the November elections. Looks like we have a good chance to dump Barbara Boxer out here.

  2. Connecticut YankeeMarch 18, 2010 at 5:33 AM

    Just when I think he must have run out of disgusting things to do...

  3. BHO is a traitor and should be prosecuted along with all his treasonous buddies.

  4. I'm appalled that we have a president who only views our flag as a symbol of oppression. Our flag represents so much more. This guy really hates the U.S. (and I suspect "us".)

  5. Wow...I didn't hear that one yet. That's disgusting. I don't understand why nobody has even mentioned "impeach" because in my opinion he has done more against our country than others who have been impeached before us. If Obama is not impeached, then seriously, I think Clinton may be owed an apology. The corruption in the White House is so bad that the whole place will need to be disinfected and remodeled to get it out, I think.

  6. Readers- Good comments, all. I find this incident to be particularly upsetting and unacceptable, and I also find it to be yet another "dot" of the kind the Democrats said we should have "connected" prior to 9/11 to recognize genuine threats to our country.

  7. It's sunk right now, whether this Obamantion of a bill gets passed or not.

  8. I can't believe all the trash they are doing behind closed doors and nobody but the tea partiers are even TRYING to say or do anything about it. If Bush tried half this stuff, he'd have been impeached LONG ago.

  9. I don't think this shows Obama's offense at our American flag as it does the inappropriate pride some people associate with it. Would you want another nation's flag waving over your recently-ruined home or city? I think he's being courteous - a rare thing among Americans these days apparently.

  10. I agree with Daniel Smith. Haiti is not America, why is there the need to fly our flag there?

  11. Daniel- we're showing "inappropriate pride" in the American flag, when we're selflessly delivering life-saving assistance to a country in need?

    Anonymous- You're right, "Haiti is not America." It's not our responsibility to feed them, bring them water, give them medical assistance, rebuild their homes and cities, or transport the injured and homeless to our shores. But we're doing it anyway.

    America didn't show up in the ruins, stage an Iwo Jima scene in which we raised a flag and declared that we owned everything in sight. We came - as America always has - to offer assistance and hope. In these circumstances, the American flag is quite literally a beacon for people who need help.

    If that's something that you two can't feel pride in, then we feel sorry for you.

  12. May I share this strip on facebook? I'd never heard of your site before now and will be coming back often...

    kimB from Alaska

  13. kimB- Welcome to Hope n' Change! By all means feel free to share this strip (or any of our strips) on Facebook or anywhere else you'd like! We really appreciate it when people help spread the word!

  14. We did get change. We can't even say when we feel a little worried or uncomfortable when we sit in an airplaine looking at some Muslims. We get fired. Even though we get every three months an audiotape warning us that we will get attacked. Even though we are at war with Islma radicals....and after all 60% are I believe of the Islam population are radicals...radicals and the rest are mostly Sympathizers....naturally if you were never fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq....and you just pay guys to fight these extremist for you...I guess everything feels to you mostly then kumbaya......


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