Monday, March 8, 2010

Whatever It Takes

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In the increasingly arcane debate over healthcare reform, a new issue has arisen which is terrifying House Democrats. Specifically, they're afraid that they can't trust Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Senate Democrats.

There's been a lot of talk about "reconciliation" lately - a process which would supposedly consist of the House Democrats voting to pass the original Senate Healthcare bill (which includes the "Louisiana Purchase," the "Cornhusker Kickback," and special goodies for Floridians), after which the bill would enter "reconciliation" and be changed into something more palatable to the House. But the Republicans can attack and delay the bill if it goes to reconciliation.

Which is why a growing number of people think the real strategy is to trick House Democrats into passing the Senate bill by promising reconciliation...but then having the president immediately sign the original, corruption-filled bill into law. The House Democrats would be betrayed, and many would lose their seats. But Obamacare would immediately become the law of the land.

Frankly, the House Democrats think they're being set up for a donkey punch by the leaders of their own party. Because, in the words of Whitehouse spokesman Robert Gibbs, to make Obamacare into law the president will do "whatever it takes"...

One of the "fabulous parting gifts" for House Democrats


  1. Hey, maybe the upside would be that the Republicans retake the House before the election. How many screwed-over Democrats switching to Republican affiliation would it take?

  2. Hopefully we have enough brains somewhere in the house to figure it out before its too late.

    BTW that Obama drawing scares me. haha. Come to think of it...lately any picture of him has been scaring me. He never looks very pleasant...always irate and condescending.

  3. Pssst, Suzy!
    It's because he's NOT very pleasant, more like irate and condescending.

  4. Haha Pete! I was at the gym today and one tv had a speech of his on, and I didn't have the sound on for it... and people were smiling and clapping but I couldn't figure out why, because his brow was all furrowed and his head down and he was yelling and he looked angry and threatening. He just doesn't seem to be able to keep his temper and act "Presidential".....


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