Thursday, April 1, 2010

All In A Day's Work

Click Cartoon for Larger Size
The American economy shed another 23,000 jobs last month, which is being heralded as
good news because Americans no longer have any idea what genuine "good news" sounds like.

This brings the total to
8.4 million jobs lost since the current recession began, and explains why the president and the Democratic congress have made employment their tippy top legislative priority... after healthcare. And cap and trade. And amnesty for illegal immigrants. And...

April Fools Bonus! Courtesy of Hope n' Change, here's your very own "Obamacare" free health pass, suitable for printing, laminating, and presenting to the medical provider of your choice! Better still, print a bunch of them and pass them out to liberals...they'll actually believe it!


  1. Stilt - It's very funny and sad in the same time.

  2. I'm going off topic here, but this is too good to pass up for us fans of conservative political cartoons:

    Warning, it is controversial. It has hacked off the feminists, and of course the usual racist accusations. The USA version of the Danish cartoonist controversy?

  3. Problem w/ making jobs their top priority is that the only REAL way for Gov't to "Create" jobs in private sector is to cut taxes, loosen regulations and basically get the hell out of the way. Which of the above do you think Dems are most likely to do?

  4. alan- Easy to see how that cartoon stirred controversy (it depicts Obama as a rapist, leaving a distraught Lady Liberty weeping in bed). The political metaphor is both accurate and thought-provoking, so we give points to the cartoon on those grounds. However, the visual is so provocative that it somewhat overwhelms the message. But hey, comedy isn't always pretty...and political comedy is even less so.

    Pete(Detroit)- You've nailed the problematic relationship between government (especially this government) and jobs. The government can't create any jobs...they can only fund convoluted, inefficient programs using money they've taken away from the people and businesses who would create jobs if allowed to do so. So the only way for jobs to go up is for government to back off...and that, more than a real unemployment rate near 17%, is the one thing that the Democrats find unacceptable.

  5. Philip- Yes, it is funny and sad at the same time. On the other hand, your link that shows "56% Now Think Obama Is A Partisan Hack" is refreshing!


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