Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Easter Funny

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Barack Obama's poll numbers have hit an all-time low, causing a usually secular mainstream media to pray for their resurrection. Here's a hint for the newscasters: don't hold your breath. Or, better yet, do.

Happy Easter to all, from Hope n' Change!


  1. Did I see Easter egg colors in my Hope n'Change?!

  2. Connecticut YankeeApril 4, 2010 at 7:08 AM

    Happy Easter to everyone at Hope n' Change. Do you think the president will share his Easter Sunday inspirational message on his Blackberry with the country today?

  3. Yeah, it's a hell of a way to spend spring break

  4. Anonymous- Yes, those are Easter pastels in today's strip. The black and white comic panels were carefully hand-dipped in coffee cups filled with colorful Easter egg dyes. Here at Hope n' Change, we're suckers for tradition and family fun.

  5. "The black and white comic panels were carefully hand-dipped in coffee cups filled with colorful Easter egg dyes." You always manage to crack me up some how!


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