Thursday, April 8, 2010

Famous Last Words

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Liberal lexicographers have been cracking their knuckles and getting up to new mischief in the Obama Whitehouse. Previously, they've declared that the 9/11 attacks weren't acts of terror, but were instead a "man-caused disaster." Similarly, there is no "war on terror," but only "overseas contingency operations."

Seizing the fierce urgency of inanity, the Obama administration is now floating the idea that the words "Muslim" and "Islamic" must be struck from strategic documents, and no terrorists will be described as being Muslim or Islamic, no matter which deity's name they were shrieking when they self-detonated.

Let's be clear: the war on terror has never been a "war on Islam," and only the intellectually lazy would judge an entire faith based on the actions of its worst and most radical elements.

But words mean something, and failing to identify Islamic terrorists as Islamic shows a continuing and dangerous lack of seriousness on the part of this president. Failing to acknowledge the common thread among terrorist attacks effectively prevents our intelligence and security officials from identifying or acting on any threats that are larger than the actions of individuals.

You can't "connect the dots" if you insist that they're only dots.


  1. No one will question Obama about this. Because they're scared he'll take 17 minutes to answer.

  2. Here's another dot that didn't get connected in the U.S. Army. American-Muslim soldier Major Nidal Hasan openly condemned the U.S., praised suicide bombers, and had ongoing contact with known jihadists. He was rewarded with promotions until he decided to murder 13 soldiers at Fort Hood. Political correctness can be deadly.

  3. Wonder what would've happened if we had refused to label communism for what it is.

  4. Some days this is more like a bad horror movie rather than a political comic site...

  5. Basil- Not only that, but it will be 17 minutes in which he doesn't really say anything.

    Anonymous #1- "Political correctness can be deadly". A perfect summation.

    Anonymous #2- Labels can sometimes be very useful. In World War II, it served us well to deal with "Nazis" instead of "a bunch of guys."

    Suzy- Agreed. We try to make you laugh every day, but as often as not it's nervous laughter. Or maybe borderline hysteria.

  6. Even more so, it's hard to connect the dots when you're convinced that they don't really exist...

    ...or are merely slight aberrations in the paper pulp.

    Ostrich-head-in-the-sand (or elsewhere that the sun doesn't shine!) worldview.

  7. "Let's be clear: the war on terror has never been a "war on Islam," "

    Never understood the naming of it.. it's not a 'war on terror' as much as Radical Islam's War on Western Civilization, and it's been going on since at least 1800 ("Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli" ring any bells?)
    Agreed, it's not all of them - have had Muslims for neighbors for years, but it's tough to ignore that there are high clerics promising eternal rewards to those who kill 'infidels'...

  8. I remember when President Bush (Miss me yet?) said the war on terror would be "A Crusade", and he was vilified for it by the lamestream media.
    WHY do these idiots continue to suck up to people who are sworn to kill us? Is Dear Leader Chairman MaoBama trying to earn a Darwin Award for the entire country??

  9. Pete(Detroit)- You make an important point. No one should attack all of Islam based on the actions of a minority. But on the other hand, the headlines remind us daily that it's not a terribly small minority, and many (too many) of fundamelist Islam's precepts are contrary to Western culture.

    We shouldn't condemn all of Islam...but we'd also be damn fools to only recognize individuals after they've carried out whatever homicidal or suicidal plans they believe were dictated by their faith.

  10. Go watch the movie -- Left Behind -- Muslims are not the worlds friends by a long shot even thought they make up 25% of the world, well, at least they claim that Allah has that many brainwashed.


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