Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Great Negotiator

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Barack Obama just signed a treaty with Russia to reduce the size of the US nuclear arsenal, and cease development of any new American nuclear weapons. Of course, you don't give all that
away without getting something substantial in return...which is why Russia has said that they "can not rule out that the UN Security Council will not revisit the question of (Iranian) sanctions."

Translators are still trying to figure out what this means in English, but in the interim the president is simply thrilled with his own accomplishment, calling the Russian statement "an enormous shift" in policy.

There is, however, a little sticking point that the president is more reluctant to talk about. While Russia might agree, in principle, to perhaps reconsider the possibility of maybe discussing sanctions, they have made it exceedingly clear that they won't accept an embargo of refined oil products to Iran...which is widely believed to be the only sanction which Iran might actually care about.

In other words, Iran will remain free to develop nuclear weapons...while the United States is forbidden from doing the same thing.

We're not entirely sure why the president believes this to be a great diplomatic victory, but we'll have the translators keep working on it...


  1. Yeah, "number two"...we seem to have more "number two" than we know what to do with if you ask me (and you didn't).

  2. Why doesn't this fucker just fly a white flag from the flagpole at the Whitehouse? thing you know he'll want amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens or sossmethin!

  3. Buzz & DrJim- Man, you guys pounced on this cartoon before the pixels were even dry (grin)! For anyone who doesn't know, Hope n' Change is updated nightly at one minute after midnight...think of it as Woot for conservatives!

  4. Stilton: The problem with your cartoons is that this administration gives you too much material!

  5. As I've said a million times you have a buffoon in the Whitehouse supported by millions of concubines all with their hands out says, "where's mine". Until the opposition is totally destroyed America will continue to spiral into oblivion to be no more. It's time to stop talking and take things for action. This Socialist regime we now have in control, must be eradicated once and forever.

  6. Stilton, I'm like the neighbor that as soon as they see your garage door up they come over to borrow your lawn mower.


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