Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pew - Something Stinks

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A recent study by the Pew Research Center shows that only 22% of Americans believe that the government can be trusted all or most of the time. And frankly, we suspect that the people in that 22% aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree, if you know what we mean.

The study shows that a growing number of people want less government control (which is to say, less government deception and ineptitude), and that the trend has accelerated significantly since the Obama administration took office. Talk about your amazing coincidences!

Comparing the figures in this study to other polls turns up some interesting statistics: more people believe in ghosts, believe that UFOs are visiting Earth, or (disturbingly) believe that 9/11 was an "inside job" than believe the current administration is truthful and/or competent to solve our nation's problems.

"Pew" just about sums it up...


  1. Fooling some of the people all of the time an art form of the political class.

  2. Helped by the MSM.

  3. «Louis» has linked to Hope n' Change in the right sidebar of his blog, right under the NĂ˜bamameter.

  4. Find that hard to beleive since 47% are on the dole and didn't even pay federal income tax this year. Opps, maybe that's the 47% Obama supporters that put this socialist in office


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