Friday, April 16, 2010

Whether We Like Him Or Not

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A "Freudian Slip" occurs when a person misspeaks...but accidentally reveals what they were actually thinking. For instance, as the old joke goes, a man says "I
meant to tell my wife Please pass the salt, but what I actually said was You've made my life an endless, living hell."

So, too, did Barack Obama reveal his inner thoughts when speaking before an international body at his Nuclear Security Summit, when he said "Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower."

The obvious interpretation is that the president might like it better if the United States was
not a dominant military superpower.

And of course, if we
weren't "dominant" then someone else would be...causing us to wonder which country or countries does Obama believe to be more competent and morally responsible than the United States?

And finally, there's the president's assertion that the U.S. "
remains a dominant military superpower." Remains?! Clearly, the assertion that we're "still" a superpower implies that our position at the top is in transition. A work in progress, that the president hasn't completed. Yet.

Odds are, Americans who rely on mainstream media for their news won't hear about the president's discomfort with America's position at the top of the current world order. But 47 world leaders got the message loud and clear.


  1. He revealed his soul with these words. Allies can't trust our military assistance, while adversaries have less to fear. How does any of this rhetoric make the world safer?

  2. I actually can see his point (that he went on to make, that we get dragged into a lot of crap just because the kids come crying to the big kid on the block). However, this presents oppertunities to show the gracious strength of our system, and positively influence the globe.
    What a hapless little rat turd of a man we have here..

  3. Anonymous- Sadly, nothing Obama says makes the world safer.

    Pete(Detroit)- Well said. "The gracious strength of our system, and positive influence on the globe." When will we finally hear such words come from the president?

  4. ***Anonymous- Sadly, nothing Obama says makes the world safer***

    Yeah. "Oopsy" just isn't cutting it....

  5. Just speaking for myself...I like it, I like it a LOT!

  6. Stilt - when we get a new Prez, I'm afraid...
    and thanx >blush< I do get inspired, from time to time..

  7. Just watched the vid - nice to know McCain can still find a 'nad when he needs to...
    Too little, to late, but still, nice.


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