Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wide Open Spaces

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Officials in San Francisco plan to boycott Arizona in response to that state's highly controversial new immigration law which shockingly declares that "illegal" means "not legal," and further asserts that police officers should "enforce laws." Oh, the humanity!

The financial impact of such a boycott has not yet been determined, as there is no record that anyone in San Francisco has ever even considered visiting Arizona. Still, citizens of Arizona are taking the boycott seriously, and are said to be dancing in the streets.

Meanwhile, the liberals who warned that Tea Partiers wearing 3-cornered hats and waving American flags could "spark violence" continue to sponsor rallies in which Nazi swastikas are paraded, while the president dangerously foments fear and anger by telling the mobs that enforcement of immigration law will lead to "police abuses."

Oh, Obama. We wish we could quit you.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi was against protestors carrying swastikas?
So far, she hasn't complained about these liberal protestors in her home district.


  1. "Remember when Nancy Pelosi was against protestors carrying swastikas?
    So far, she hasn't complained about these liberal protestors in her home district."

    Hah! I actually laughed out loud when I read that.

  2. Shall we say, Civil War II on the horizon?

    Actually I really don't think it will happen...but interesting, this "war of words between the states"....

    And I guess ya never know.

  3. We need to fact the fact that our nation, as we knew it, is dead. The fact that there are so many idiots actually defending criminals is just sickening. Liberalism is a fatal disease.

  4. This blog makes my makes me laugh (fortunately), but in a sad sort of way. I totally salute Arizona! A family member recently moved from Arizona--I think they are having second thoughts now as many people in the "conservative" state they live in now are whining about Arizona. ...sigh...

  5. Cookie- letters like yours make our day! And remember, even "sad" laughter is empowering (and makes liberals really nervous). A sense of humor is an indication of strength... which we're looking forward to demonstrating in November!

  6. What sucks for AZ is that they have to use in-state police to enforce federal immigration laws. This wouldn't be a problem is the federal government did that.

    It's silly to say this will result in police abuses because the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to illegals and isn't that exactly the group that the police will be checking the papers of?

  7. David Rockfeld- You're right that it's unfair for the taxpayers of Arizona to be cleaning up the federal government's mess.

    However, under the law the police won't ONLY be checking illegals for paperwork...they'll also presumably request it from people who have the paperwork and are either citizens or legal immigrants. The question is whether such an inconvenience can be considered either "abuse" or a violation of constitutional rights.

    Since ALL citizens are required to show passports when entering or leaving the country, and must produce I.D., proof of residence, vehicle registration, proof of vehicle insurance and more when asked by a police officer, we strongly believe that there's nothing wrong with adding this additional piece of paperwork - and in fact, we very strongly support it.

    If a policeman runs my license plate to see if I have outstanding warrants, it doesn't violate my civil rights. It simply protects the civil rights of others. This being the case, illegal aliens should not have a greater "right to privacy" than responsible U.S. citizens.

  8. It's all about votes for the democrats. These are the same people who charge "voter intimidation" when polling places ask for a photo i.d. Remember "hanging chads" and the "butterfly ballot? We need to rename November "National Fraud" month. From little acorns giant ... oh, never mind.

  9. Anon - we not only need photo ID laws, but 'purple finger' laws to enforce one person, one vote. Write your city / county / state clerks early, and often. There is NO reason not to support this.

  10. Pete(Detroit)- We could definitely support "purple finger" laws...great idea!

  11. its sad that people use the word "papers". You know something, im a young white male, and everytime a cop pulls me over my "papers" i.e drivers liscense is presented to them with no objections. Is it so ridiculous that if their black, latino, or any other race thats non white (because lets face it thats the stereotype of an illegal in this country)to present proper identification?

    Honestly, this country is ever more dividing itself, but i am hoping that changes and people see what this agitator is all about.


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