Thursday, May 13, 2010

Misfortune Teller

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Perhaps the most overused and misused word in recent news stories has been "unexpectedly," as in "the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose again."

We're starting to wonder just who the experts are that "expect" things which clearly fly in the face of logic, and who appear to be shocked (shocked!) when the absolutely predictable happens.

Besides rising unemployment, we've recently seen that Obamacare may cause workers to "unexpectedly" lose their employer-supplied insurance because it will be cheaper for companies to pay fines to the government than to continue paying medical bills. And who could have foreseen that extending unemployment benefits might unexpectedly lead to people choosing not to apply for jobs until their benefits - up to 2 years of benefits - run out?

All in all, this administration falls prey to the "unexpected" entirely too often to be believable. Which is why a clean sweep in November will not be unexpected.


  1. And, let's not forget the lesson of Bob Bennett - incumbent Rs are 'unexpectedly' in play as well.

  2. Kind of like how Congress will "unexpectedly" avoid any attempts to correct issues with Obamacare...

    I normally love summer but, this year, I can't wait for fall...

  3. For the postmodern president and his administration, "unexpectedly" is simply a code word that helps them ease the absurdity past those of use that still live in the modern world and have not moved on into postmodernity. It makes the totally lack of logic seem somewhat less jarring than if they simply admitted that they planned it exactly this way, or that this is a fully delightful outcome from their perspective. They are engaged first and foremost in the destruction of our society, and such things as this are all steps along the way, to be greeted with joy, but they realized that not everyone is on board with them just yet. Some of us even continue to hold to Absolute Truth!

  4. Great post, Dr. Jarlsberg. The Bob Bennet reminder from Pete is very clear here in Utah--a highly Republican state. People are excited about getting new blood in Washington, and are more hopeful than ever that they won't be "unexpectedly" disappointed in sending new constitutionally minded representatives to Washington DC. I believe this sentiment is becoming stronger and stronger throughout our great country.

  5. How many "unexpected" islamic oriented terror attacks have we had in this country since Obama took office? How about Fort Hood, the Christmas Eve bomber, Times Square, various recruiting offices, downtown Dallas, etc. Some were successful; some failed. Cheney warned of them and was ridiculed. Obama and team were too busy warning us (and dare I say hoping?) for a terror attack from angry right wingers instead. Sheesh.


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