Monday, May 10, 2010

Tech Non-Support

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Despite being credited for running the most tech-savvy presidential campaign in history, and a seeming addiction to his ever-present Blackberry, Barack Obama told a graduating class of university students that they should back away from modern technologies with unfiltered news which are "putting new pressures on our country and our democracy."

Besides criticizing Xboxes, Playstations, iPods and iPads, the president singled out certain news blogs and talk radio outlets, saying "some of the craziest claims can quickly gain traction."

We're not precisely sure which "crazy claims" he's referring to. Perhaps talk radio's longtime assertion that Obamacare will raise the cost of medical services? No, wait...Health & Human Services just confirmed that. Or maybe that the Times Square bomber wasn't just pissed off about his mortgage, but was actually part of a terrorist war on America? Hang on, Eric Holder just confirmed that's not crazy either. Maybe the president meant that it's crazy to think rising unemployment numbers mean, um, rising unemployment? Hmm.

In any case, the president is doing his best to make sure that today's college students become tomorrow's Democratic voters.

It's as simple as turning off the news.


  1. "Well, yes, I AM a citizen, and DID go to college, and actually EARN my degree. Paperwork? no, can't see that, just have to take my word for it."

  2. Always remember my fellow proles...




  3. Not to change the subject, but oh my WORD....I thought we couldn't get uglier than Pelosi, but the picture on Fox News today of the "never been a judge" supreme court pick Hagan is going to give me nightmares....

  4. *Kagan* I'm sorry...

    I must have been thinking "Hades" or something. :-)

  5. Readers- For those who haven't turned on their untrustworthy electronic news devices to hear "crazy claims" yet, Supreme Court nominee Kagan was recently a legal advisor for Goldman Sachs, the same entity that Barack Obama wants to punish for their (alleged) flagrant abuse of the law.

  6. Suzy, could it be because Kagen reminds you of Chastity Bono after her sex change?

  7. Stilt -

    You're not really going to expect us to believe that there is some sort of 'inner circle' at play within our government, are you?

    That's just craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy talk


  8. Suzy, I just read a book review praising a new book about how homely people are the victims of bias in hiring and promotional decisions. The writer (a female lawyer) actually advocates enacting laws to prevent bias against homely people. Thought you'd be amused (and appalled). Just how ugly would someone have to be to be taken seriously? And who would have the nerve to tell someone they were ugly enough to file suit? The mind boggles.

  9. I've posted this little ryhme on a few sites and liberals go bonkers (sing it to the tune of 'Jesus Loves Me').

    Barrack loves us this we know,
    For he always tell us so.
    Mindless ones to him belong,
    We are weak, but he is bonged.

    Yes, Barrack plays us,
    Yes, Barrack plays us,
    Yes, Barrack plays us,
    But we're too dumb to know.

  10. To the other 'a nanny mouse': You wrote "And who would have the nerve to tell someone they were ugly enough to file suit?"

    Are you kidding? If there's a buck to be made, count upon plaintiffs' trial lawyers being more than willing to tell someone that they're ugly. What a mess. I mean, isn't about half of the world homely and the other half not? Who in the heck would decide the issue? A jury?

    'Well, the verdict of the jury is that you're ugly, but not ugly enough to recover any money.'


  11. All ugly people have to do is go to Harvard, then suck up to the liberals and they will be suddenly protected from bias and made rich enough where ugly doesn't matter anymore....

    (It IS always the liberal women, isn't least liberal women in high places...not saying ALL liberal women. However pretty young liberal women might want to look, and consider....and beware.)

    Sorry Stilt, to mess up today's comic like this....

  12. Readers- In our opinion, any jurist who loves and sincerely respects the Constitution is beautiful in the only way that matters. Whether or not Ms. Kagan will pass that test remains to be seen.

  13. Glad I found your site. I love using humor to make a point. (I write song parodies at my blog). Keep up the good work.


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