Monday, June 14, 2010

Greene and Bear It

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The Democrats are so embarrassed and bumfuzzled by their new Senatorial candidate from South Carolina, Alvin Greene, that they're falling over themselves to say he just can't be for real, despite picking up 60% of the state's Democratic vote in primary elections.

Senior Whitehouse advisor David Axelrod says that Greene "doesn't appear" to be legitimate, but was vague on specifics.

The problem that the Democrats are having with Greene is that he is unemployed, facing felony obscenity charges, and in interviews can't seem to recall if he did any campaigning, had any rallies, or much of anything else. In fact, his primary debating skill seems to be the ability to stare into space until his interviewers get bored and change the question.

We'll have to wait to find out if Greene is, as some have claimed, a "plant" from another political party, or whether his somewhat baffling campaign is legitimate.

All that we know for sure is that Democrats elected him by a wide margin...and that he'll be a force to be reckoned with if he ever gets a teleprompter and a wife with well-toned arms.

The Democratic Voice of the People


  1. Democrats are the new Greene party!

  2. Well, with the Gulf oil spill wreaking havoc on the shrimp industry, politics is the next best career option for Pvt. Benjamin Buford 'Bubba' Blue:
    Shrimp: According to Pvt. Benjamin Buford Bubba Blue

  3. Wow its like a real John Grisham gone bad...

  4. It's the benefit of being first alphabetically.

  5. I dunno - I think he's a talented speaker. I think, had he a teleprompter, he probably would have said all kinds of familiar things - just with a different accent. Watch for upcoming news of his miraculous Hawaiian birth, his Columbian education. Watch in amazement as we discover, and he casts off, old associates! - I think the Dems are just ticked off that he made it to the camera before they made it to him with their "fluff-and-buff-o-matic"...

  6. hee hee...
    They can't see the similarities between "Greene" and the Marxist they planted in the White House? «Louis» is SHOCKED!

  7. Guy's one dynamic speaker...kinda refreshing actually dont ya think? ;-)...crazy, man, but i needed a chuckle.

  8. The spirit of this interview and Greene's remarks make it clear that he was on a significant delay and had no notes prepared. That's not enough for me to judge him to be a moron, no matter what the appearances are from this clip. Aside from the questions about the (unproven) obscenity charge, he at least was relatively honest, for a candidate for office.

    I wonder what it would be like if all federal representatives and senators were like this...I think it might actually be better. Let the elected officials exchange single syllables while the rest of us live our lives....I like it.

  9. Christopher- It's absolutely true that if someone has a bad delay in their earpiece, it will make them look and sound simpleminded...and since this interview was from Keith Olbermann - who clearly wanted to discredit Greene, it's altogether possible they fed a delayed signal to his earpiece.

    But outside of that, it is worth noting that in the entire interview, Greene didn't tell any obvious lies. Too bad the same isn't true of anything we get out of the Whitehouse these days.


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