Saturday, June 12, 2010

Still Leaking

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This week, tough-guy president Barack Obama declared that he was going to kick some ass. Not coincidentally, the American people decided to do the same, and dropped the president's approval rating to an all-time low of just 44%.

In an astounding display of multi-tasking the president has managed to simultaneously alienate conservatives, far-left liberals, Hispanics, gay rights activists, friends of Israel, senior citizens, doctors, and what Bill O'Reilly refers to as the "pelican vote" - the many people who are outraged at the president's lackadaisical response to the BP oil spill.

In fact, the only statistically significant group of people who might approve of the president's handling of current crises are the "radical Islamics." But unfortunately, they're not reflected in poll numbers because the president has declared that they don't exist.


  1. Looks like the ass that got kicked was Obama's! Good job, Barry!

  2. I guess when he said he wanted to be "bipartisan", he meant he would reach across the aisle and disappoint EVERYONE....

  3. Obama is working on bipartisan, he is getting his ass kick from both sides.

  4. Spinelessobama- And as everyone knows, if you're getting your ass kicked from both sides, it's impossible to turn the other cheek. (bada-boom!)

  5. That high? I would have thought they'd at least have to break through the Earth's crust...

  6. Makes you really wish we could call for a vote of "no confidence" and be rid of the creep!

    I hate to say it, but at times like this, I think our system is excessively stable, to our detriment because we are unable to initiate the needed corrections.

  7. you got that right, Suzy...he's the all-around champ at disappointment!! And, DR D, youre right, it's COUP time!!! oops, no can do here, but thats good. it will all work out!

  8. That high? I would have thought they'd at least have to break through the Earth's crust...

    Yeah, I think you'd need Professor Lindenbrock's help to find Barry's numbers. Good news is that there's a volcano available in Iceland...

  9. Stilt..."turning the other cheek"...*snorts Diet Coke out the nose*

  10. Dixie- Is that a "Journey to the Center of the Earth" reference here at Hope n' Change? I can almost picture the young and shirtless Pat Boone, miles below the Earth's surface, cavorting amongst giant mushrooms and calling out "Ki-YIE! Ki-YIE!"

    All of which means I'm either taking too much medication, or not enough. (grin)

  11. Is that a "Journey to the Center of the Earth" reference here at Hope n' Change?

    Indeed it is. (chuckle)

    All of which means I'm either taking too much medication, or not enough. (grin)

    What is this "too much medication" you speak of?

  12. It's amazing that the Muslim Extremist got elected in the first place. Impeach him!

  13. Dixie- Actually, in times of stress (say, the last year and a half) the only "medication" I take is several large glasses of purified water every evening.

    And trust me, if cheap bourbon won't purify water, then nothing will.


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