Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tee Partier

As the old saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough go golfing." And so it is that Barack Obama, the commander in chief of a floundering war in Afghanistan, a collapsing economy, and an environmental disaster that even he likens to "an economic 9/11," is spending more time on the golf course than any president in memory.

Defending the fact that the president has gone golfing 39 times since inauguration (and 7 times just since the Gulf oil disaster), presidential spokesperson Bill Burton declared that when Obama goes golfing "it probably does us all good as American citizens." In other words, the president is nobly enjoying himself so we don't have to.

For once, Hope n' Change wholeheartedly agrees with the Whitehouse position. And to that end, we'd like to suggest that Obama do additional good for all American citizens by doing nothing but golf for the next two and a half years.

And while he's out on the links, maybe he can also look for the real killer of Nicole Simpson.

Air Force Fore


  1. Nero fiddled while Rome burned...

  2. And I know where he can get about 535 caddies to go with him...

  3. Am I wrong to feel a little "teed off" at this guy?

  4. Hey, the bull can't damage the china shop if he isn't in it! Maybe he will golf so much, he will get writers' cramps and won't be able to sign trillion dollar socialist crap into law. Maybe the American people should offer him a higher salary if he will only play golf every day (preferrably, overseas somewhere... like maybe Israel).

  5. Israel doesn't want him. Send him to play golf in Cuba, where he'll feel more at home.

  6. "Real Killer"
    OMG guy, that is just so HARSH to compare OJ to BO - I mean, one's a lying scumbag racist social climbing wannabe, and the other was married to Nichole Simpson...

  7. Well, guys, as Jimmy Fallon said the other night...

    Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?

    A: America !

  8. can see getting the 2 confused. Figures Obama would be somewhere swatting his balls instead of leading.


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