Saturday, July 3, 2010

Borderline Insanity

In his first major speech on immigration, Barack Obama seemed to take the jaw-dropping position that there is no difference whatsoever between legal immigration and illegal immigration.

He then listed a number of legal immigrants who accomplished great things as evidence that the Mexican border should be kept wide open...just in case there were any geniuses swimming the Rio Grande and concealing themselves amongst the field hands and drug smugglers.

"The scientific breakthroughs of Albert Einstein, the inventions of Nikola Tesla, the great ventures of Andrew Carnegie's U.S. Steel and Sergey Brin's Google, Inc. -– all this was possible because of immigrants," quoth the president. And he's right.

But he should have gone on to say, "The collapse of our medical system, the degradation of our school system, the loss of entry-level jobs for Americans, and a flood of drugs and violence -- all this is possible because of ILLEGAL immigrants."

The president is many things, none of them good, but he's no idiot. He knows that Americans aren't against immigration...they're against law-breakers. But instead of conceding even this modest point, he tries to paint people who want federal immigration laws enforced as racists.

At Hope n' Change, we don't claim to be Einsteins either...but we know lies when they're being told, and politically-motivated hatred when we hear it being spread.


  1. And he went on to blast Republicans for being opposed to immigration reform despite the fact that his Democratic-controlled congress has proposed no legislation. He is engaging in political hate speech.

  2. This is the destruction of America. Not "America as we knew it" (which has already happened), but the very country itself is finished. There's no hope. I hate to sound pessimistic, but this is more realistic than pessimistic.

    Interestingly, California's Prop 19 may do more to counteract illegal immigration than Arizona's SB 1070. According to Wikipedia's page on Prop 19, a majority of all the races support it except for Hispanics. Wonder why????? Guess when you take out their main source of income, they no longer play amigo.

  3. Anonymous- We were also struck by the mind-boggling hypocrisy of Obama's partisan attack on Republicans for "failing to support" an imaginary immigration bill that the Democrats haven't even proposed.

    Erik- Unfortunately, we share the opinion that Obama and his cronies actually want to destroy this country, then build something new - and more to their liking - out of the rubble.

    It's similar to leveling the twin towers to make room for the Ground Zero mosque...but on a far larger scale.

  4. An aside to this commentary, I think there was something like 22 buildings that made up the hospital complex at Ellis Island. There were so many people coming into America legally at that point with all sorts of disease that were either nursed at the facility or literally turned back. Now with the influx of illegal immigration this goes completely unchecked giving rise to pathogens long ago erased from the America of my youth but now we see a drastic rise in some pretty creepy stuff. From Bed Bugs to TB and a whole lot more in our lives, schools and homes add to that drugs, crime, violence, gangs, homicides, and kidnappings all are on an unchecked rise much to do with our lack of border control. You don't leave your doors open for anyone to walk in and if you do you are asking for trouble.

  5. Appalling stuff, no doubt about it. Keep the faith brothers....

    Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?

    A: A fund raiser.

    --Jay Leno

  6. I know I am about 2 years late on this comment, but had to post anyway...
    I think there is one small good idea that can be taken from the CinC-US's position:
    If an illegal immigrant is taken into custody, give them an IQ test. If they score over 160, I'd be willing to say that they can stay in the country.
    - - -
    Of course, since the US apparently gives away "genius visas" for such "genius" activities as being able to take off your clothes to pose for Playboy (Google "Shera Bechard", but keep SafeSearch on, ha)...

  7. @TDSunryzeX- Wow, you DID take a long time to post on this cartoon (grin)! But I agree with you and really like the IQ test idea. Unfortunately, the problem has only gotten worse for border enforcement in the two years since this cartoon originally appeared.


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