Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fat Accompli

Washington has announced that every American's federally required "electronic health records" will soon have to include their "Body Mass Index" - a determination of how fat you are.

The government will collect the records and distribute them via computer network to a variety of national, state, and local entities.

Presumably, they could also post your records at if they feel like it, or use the records to create a "watch list" of chubbies who will be turned in if they show up at fast food restaurants, buffets, or other known lipo-terror organizations.

More realistically, the records will be used to help determine who will receive healthcare and who doesn't...and establish the basis for a so-called "fat tax" on larger people, who selfishly endanger the health of our nation by simply existing.

Or just maybe the government is requiring collection, computerization, and monitoring of everyone's body mass index for no reason at all, and won't do anything with it!

Fat chance.


  1. Yep, Big Brother is finally here.....

  2. I would need to see the political demographics on obese people before I could concur with your conclusions. Former senator Phil Gramm (R) of Texas once said "We're the only nation in the world where all our poor people are fat". That's quite an accomplishment of all our social programs that have been in place for over 40 years. Keep the peeps fat & happy, they'll vote the correct way.

    Maybe this is data that can be mined to "grow the Democratic base". You know, just in case the illegal immigrants don't come through.

  3. When we go out to eat we will have to have a scan card in order to eat. They will scan the card and it will tell them what we are allowed to eat. Sorry you can't have the meat pizza, you can have the veggi pizza or no desert for you. What about smoking? That issue has not been talked about. I can't think why it has not, or maybe the reason it has not come up is that obama smokes. Smoking will cost more to treat than over weight people will. Do as I say do, not as I do. That is the liberal way.

  4. I'm officially firing this government.

  5. I was reading the Fox News reader comments on this and it was giving me a laugh last know, people wanting to know the BMI of Michelle's rear, stuff like that....I love reading the comments, sometimes it lightens up an otherwise really depressing news article.

  6. Holy crap, Batman! What next, who has an innee and who has an outee belly button to determine whether a person should receive health care?

  7. Lest we forget the BEST part of the article...

    "under the terms of the stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed last year"

    Good thing that "stimulus" bill focused on saving the financial industry and creating jobs, eh?

  8. I'm sure this will be shot down once the crowd that was against the Patriot Act because it gave Bush & Chaney the capability of wiretapping phone conversations without a warrant figures this out. Heaven forbid that the door would be open for some future "eevil" Bush/Cheney administration to have access to their personal medical records.

    I'm sure they will vehemently oppose this intrusion on their privacy as passionately as they did with the Patriot Act!

  9. TheDarkKnight- Even though I sort of took a shortcut in the cartoon, you're right that the whole "Body Mass Index" requirement isn't part of's part of the (alleged) "financial stimulus."

    Demonstrating once again that anything - and we mean anything - can be buried in bills that are over 2000 pages long.

  10. Were they targeting specific portions of the body for this BMI data? Somebody mentioned Michele Obama's booty body mass index, or BBMI, but what about measuring the fatheadedness of the liberals who thoght this up? Maybe there could be a law against true fatheads being allowed to run for office, vote, or get healthcare? Too high of a FHBMI reading would surely prohibit Matthews, Obermann, Rosie O'Donnell, etc. from keeping their jobs, right? We can only hope, and er, um, change?

  11. I can't believe the Democrats allowed the BMI thing to be included in the bill. So many Democrat voters are "poor" and HUGE, just like Phil Gramm said!

  12. "We The People" Have The Power, if "We The People" elect to use Our Power!

    An Internet Plebiscite for a Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down . . .
    Please include ALL OF WDC!
    Senate, House, supreme court!
    Bureaucratic Structure!

    Roy Stewart,
    Phoenix AZ


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