Saturday, August 7, 2010

Air Force Number Two

Following the less-than-enthusiastic public reaction to Government Motors new $41,000 Chevy Volt, an electric car which goes only 40 miles on a battery charge, it's time for Washington DC to turn their attentions to using their most plentiful natural resource via the Bio-Bug: a new car which runs off of human waste.

Specifically, the modified VW bug runs off of the methane gas produced as human waste breaks down. Developers say that the (ahem) raw material from just 70 homes can power the car for up to 10,000 miles.

Which, if we're doing the math right, means that Congress could power an infinite number of cars, traveling to the farthest reaches of the universe, at approximately twice the speed of light!

Hope n' Change applauds the inventors of the Bio-Bug and, if a prototype of the car really is sent to Washington, we sincerely hope they've included really, really good brakes.




  1. Does the car come with a free year's supply of hanging air fresheners, too?

  2. Suzy- The air fresheners will be included right after the president appoints a Fresh Pine Scent Czar.

  3. With obama in we will have an endless supply of poop.

  4. Spinelessobama- Yes, it sort of gives new meaning to the term "bowel movement."

  5. Spineless0bama: wrong kind o' poop. It needs to be bullshit powered. Yeah, too bad it's not bullshit powered. THEN we'd have a free, renewable energy supply at every election cycle...

  6. As long as we can plug this car into the 311 turn coats we have in DC it'll run forever. It is time to dump America's waste products ASAP and get ALL NEW conservatives in DC and ALL points in this nation that'll overturn all socailist Obama and friend implement on the first 24 hours after we get the new conservative republican president. WE must eradicate the socialist democratic parys once and forever or the USA is gone forever.

  7. does it come with a big enough pipe for Obama to stick his head down it. As in Sh*t-head. What does the Gestapo/UAW say about this? After all, Slick announced forced unionization is coming. Congress has refused to pass card check so either he will somehow claim power to force us all into a union by executive order or will this be the first "active" constitutional right? The right to join a union or die?

  8. OK, let's do some simple math. It takes the waste from "just" 70 households to run one car for one year. What are the other 69 households going to do for transportation?

  9. When my master was working (pre-Obama economy) he drove past a landfill every day that burned off its methane accumulation 24/7. He knew that containment and transport would be expensive, but always thought that burn-off was a waste of useful energy. Have we found a use now?

  10. Ranamacar: Carpool, of course. Or, they can stay home, eat more and create more fuel product.


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