Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have Your Cake And EAT IT Too

Today, the man who currently calls himself Barack Hussein Obama is celebrating his alleged occasion for which, amazingly, we've been unable to find a Hallmark card. Mind you, we're told that such cards exist...but they're kept in a locked safety deposit box.

But even without a card from Hope n' Change, Barack Obama has plenty to celebrate today, including a very, very special gift from the State Department: in response to a Freedom of Information request, they've just announced that they "accidentally destroyed" the passport records of Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, making it impossible to say whether or not she was in the United States at or around the time of Barack Obama's birth.

The Freedom of Information request wasn't completely useless, though. The records which were not accidentally shredded reveal that Obama's mother married his Indonesian step-father, Lolo Soetoro, on March 4th, 1964 in Maui, Hawaii.

And, uh, again on March 15th, 1965 in Molokai, Hawaii.

The records also show that in 1965, Obama's mother listed his name as "Saebarkah," but in 1968 she decided to go back to calling him "Barack Hussein Obama" (which is not to be confused with his other name, Barry Soetoro).

Fortunately, there are still no hospital records of Obama's birth or long-form birth certificate to add to the confusion, and Hawaii has passed a law to prevent further inquiry into the alleged president's citizenship.

So just for today, we'd like to put all of that aside and wish Barack Barry Hussein Soetoro Saebarkah Obama many happy returns!

To wherever the heck he really came from.



  1. Yes, CMOTUS, best wishes. (And the BEST wishes are those that find you, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, et al in exile back in Kenya or Indonesia and the country on the mend...)

  2. Happy Birthday POSOTUS. To borrow a thought from a famed political mind, let's hope you got lots of butter and eggs with your birthday breakfast.

  3. Would this be a good spot to mention an Internet petition I've seen lately, suggecting we dump the American Eagle as the symbol of the USA in favor of the American Skunk? Theory is the skunk is a more accurate symbol for the Obamanation, seeing as how it's half black, half white, and everything it does, stinks. Many happy returms, lil'"o", hopefully to the country of your birth, along with Nancy and the whole leftist gang.

  4. "Happy birthday", or however they say it in your native language. Do you think if we all simultaneously blow out some birthday candles and make a wish that he might disappear just like all of his records?

  5. Hahahaha....I hope his birthday really isn't today, because then that means he shares a birthday with one of my kids...

  6. And what a birthday present the great state of Missouri gave to Our Beloved Leader! My mother jokingly pronounces the state "misery," but I'm feeling none of that today! Heri ya Siku kuu, Barry!

  7. Philip- Interesting, though the CNN article claims "CNN and other news organizations have thoroughly debunked the rumors."

    They go on to say "Hawaii has released a copy of the president's birth certificate - officially called a "certificate of live birth." And in 1961 the hospital where the president was born placed announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers regarding Obama's birth."

    However, the "certificate of live birth" is not an official birth certificate (listing neither attending doctor or hospital)...and to the best of our knowledge, the newspaper announcements were not filed by a hospital, but were posted by Obama's grandparents.

    The one incontrovertible fact in the whole issue is that Obama has paid over a million dollars in legal fees to keep anyone from seeing his alleged birth certificate...and to date, no one in the media has seen it.

  8. Happy Birthday, President Obama. Congratulations on hitting the big "50"!
    Real Clear Politics President Obama Job Approval

    (Aggregated Real Clear Politics polls hit 50% Disapprove for the 1st time)

  9. One must wonder what Obama is trying to hide by not releasing his birth certificate. I recall President Bill Clinton refusing to release his medical records, probably to hide the fact that he had Peyronie's Disease.

  10. Alan -
    As I recall, he brought his own personal physician (and pharmacopoeia) to the WH, and when people saw the list of meds, a LOT of them were either pain killers, and / or had 'interesting' side effects. Med records would have revealed that he was a heavy recreational user, if not an addict.


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