Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dead on the Money

Following the resignation of Christina Romer, the Whitehouse has announced the name of their new head of the Council of Economic Advisors: Austan Goolsbee.

As much as we'd like to think this is actually the name of a Mike Myers' movie for Halloween, the truth is that Goolsbee - an economics professor at the University of Chicago - has been a longtime economic advisor to the Obama administration. In other words, we're already enjoying the benefits of his keen financial insight!

Goolsbee also considers himself to be an amateur comedian, and has made numerous television appearances. Not, as you might think, on The Addams Family, but rather as a frequent guest on The Daily Show.

In fact, Goolsbee just may be a better comedian than economist; he's a big proponent of letting the Bush tax breaks for small business expire, even though we're in the midst of a crushing recession with record unemployment.

Now that's funny!


  1. And the Chicago Syndicate continues to take over....

  2. I've tried to tell you this, Stilton, but you aren't grasping it...
    It's not a "crushing recession with record unemployment", it's the "new normal". Please adjust your thinking and put on this happy face mask.
    -The Gubmint

  3. Funny wasn't the first word that came to mind, re. the Bush tax cuts..... *sigh*

  4. Since the dems have long garnered votes from beyond the grave, having someone with a name like "goolsbee" on staff is only fitting... He'd make a good Czar of Grave Robbery.

  5. I hear that people get vicious food cravings when they're running low on certain nutrients. I guess brains fall into that category?

  6. Angry Hoosier Dad is correct. The Progressive agenda is all about making us more like our betters in Europe. >9% unemployment and <2% growth is the norm for European social democracies. The Obama Economic Agenda has been very successful by that standard.


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