Sunday, September 26, 2010

Inside Jobs Program

Barack Obama was shocked - shocked! - to hear Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tell the United Nations that it was the United States which perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.

Putting on his Frowny Face, the president declared Ahmadinejad's remarks to be "hateful" and "offensive." Mr. Obama said that the statement was especially inexcusable because it was made "in Manhattan, just a little north of Ground Zero where families lost their loved ones." And if there's one thing the president is sensitive to, it's the feelings of the Ground Zero families... except when it comes to building mosques.

Still, the president's strong words would have been refreshing if they weren't so clearly hypocritical. Almost exactly one year ago, one of the big news stories was that Obama had hired Van Jones as the Whitehouse "Green Jobs Czar" despite the fact that Jones made exactly the same "inside job" allegations about 9/11.

But at least the president took a strong stand. Or did he? Although he declared Ahmadinejad to be hateful, offensive, and bereft of "not just common sense but basic sense," Obama made a point of saying "the door remains open to diplomacy should Iran choose to walk through it."

And fortunately, the door to the Whitehouse remains open for the president's replacement to walk through in 2012.



  1. The real fraud of Van Jones was not that he is a Marxist or that he's always quick to "hate America first". We've long known that much of Obama's inner circle, if not Obama himself, holds these views.

    The real fraud was that even Van Jones, the "Green Jobs Czar", could not openly define for anyone exactly what a "green job" is.

    Let me help: A "Green Job" is the new codeword for political patronage. It's secure employment for those that the private sector economy has absolutely no use for, like "community organizers" such as Obama and Jones.

  2. A piece of his mind? Reminds me of an old Popeye cartoon where he and Olive Oyl are starving and she carefully slices up a bean for dinner. Am I the only person who worries about Putin deciding to send a first strike over the pole while Mr. Potatohead is still in charge? Or just an "accident" where a small nuke the size (yield) of Fat Man or Little Boy going off at satellite height over St. Louis takes down every electronic device we have INCLUDING THE GRID? Some of the parts to bring the power plants back on line take years to get, are only made in Germany and we have zero stockpiled. Of course, we would not even be able to phone out for a pizza. All that $timulu$ to fix our "infrastructure" and not ONE power plant, switching station or even a cell phone tower has been shielded. I wrote to Governor Perry (R -- TX) asking him to at least shield a few of OUR plants and install equipment to cut us off from the rest of the grid quickly when you other poor b*st*rds go dark and start eating each other. No offense. :>)

  3. John The Econ... I thought it was obvious. A GREEN job is one reserved for COLORED PEOPLE.

    "He was a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater eyed one horned flying purple people eyed one horned flying purple people eater

  4. It is unfair to berate Comrade Obama for the past (and present) associations of Van Jones. If Glorious Leader could sit in Rev. Wright's church for twenty years and never hear a single anti-American, racist, hate-filled sermon then it naturally follows that he wouldn't have know what Van Jones was about. Naturally...right...of course...

  5. Shame that O didn't offer Short Sh*t a job at the white house - that might be the easiest way to get regime change in Iran. And, 2 years from now, they'd both be totally irrelevant.

  6. speakin' of the ground zero mosque...did that story just die after it was revealed the imam was a good ol american slumlord? I havent seen anything on that for a while now.

    Obama couldnt afford to give the runt TOO big a piece of his mind!

    My wife saw the iran prez and simplified everything....he's got 'short-mans syndrome' she said!

  7. As Tarzan said to the elephant: "Timba...Ungawa" which,depending on the circumstance, meant many things. This one means: 'Get your friends, find Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Jones and stampede them out of Washington.'

  8. Bobo- Okay, I officially want a "Timba...Ungawa!" bumpersticker.

  9. Stilton - I will be glad to send you one. Could you please send a mailing address to
    Thx, Bobo

  10. I could be wrong, but I would bet my next paycheck that weasel Ahmadinejad laughs himself to sleep every night when he thinks about our completely clueless Supreme Commander. It's a terrorists dream come true, and that, my friends, is scary to me.

  11. Moronpolitics has voiced a concern I was just thinking about today. My thought was, just what is the plan if a container on a ship has a nuclear device that goes off in New York or LA/Oakland harbor. He won't know whether to put his thumb in his mouth or his ass.


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