Friday, November 5, 2010

Still Some Bugs in the System

Even though it makes our skin crawl to talk about it, there are already skittering sounds coming from the smoldering ruins of the Democratic party...because Harry Reid survived politically.

The Senate Majority leader, wriggling his antennae angrily, has announced that "Republicans must take their responsibility to solve the problems of ordinary Americans" instead of "simply saying No."

Although when ordinary Americans' problem is big government, "no" seems to be the answer they resoundingly voted for.

Busily nibbling a crumb of something he found on the floor, Reid grumbled that if Republicans are "unwilling to work with us, there's nothing we can do about that." Not exactly the most promising words to suggest that we'll be seeing a new spirit of cooperation in Washington.

Although it's possible Mr. Reid had more conciliatory remarks prepared for his statement...but unfortunately his news conference ended suddenly when someone turned on the kitchen light and he skittered back into the shadows.



  1. Calling Reid a cockroach is an insult to cockroaches. He is more closely related to cockroach droppings. Since the Dems took control of Congress they have scorned/ignored/discounted all Republican proposals, never even letting them come before committees for discussion. Of course they get away with this thanks to their willing fluffers in the media. I expect the Republicans in the House to hold together and push back hard against the Marxist turd in the White House. As for the Senate...unfortunately they still have stinking RINO's like McCain, Grahamnesty and others all too willing to get Oval Office rug burns on their knees.

  2. I think it's wonderful that Harry survived. Like Obama, he will remain a lingering reminder of the mediocracy that was Congress between 2006 & 2010.

    And again, if the GOP had actually been "The Party of NO" as the Democrats like so say, we wouldn't be starting down Euro-style socialism, have over 15% real unemployment & underemployment, <2% growth, mega-debt and inflation on the horizon.

    I hope they understand that this time.

  3. Cockroach would be s step up the evolutionary ladder. As I watch Harry Reid (as little as possible) I am reminded of Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”. Harry is changing, before our very eyes, into the life form most indicative of the way he has led his life: the Dung Beetle. And it looks like we’ll be forced to continue to watch the transformation for another 6 years! Nevada voters: what the heck were you thinking?

  4. Hilarious....think I'll post this on facebook today.

  5. The latino voters in Nevada must be rejoicing and singing the praises of Harry Reid...

    "La Cucaracha, La Cucarucha
    Ya no puede caminar
    Porque no tiene, porque le falta,
    Una cigarra pa' fumar
    Cha, cha, cha Ole!!"

  6. Bobo- Oh great, now we've got to look through our desk drawers and find our castanets!

  7. Bobo, when I learned that song, the next to the last line was
    Marijuana por fumar!
    This was very commonly sung in south Texas where I grew up.

  8. Dingy still doesn't get it. We didn't just say no, we said, "HELL NO!" Next time, we need to call Orkin, I guess.

  9. Boy, the left coast voted true to form, didnt they? We got back Reid, Boxer, that woman in Washington and who else? Can hardly believe they didnt pass the grass bill! But, have no fear, some judge will turn that around as usual!

  10. and...they can make fun of Oklahoma'a law prohibiting Sharia or International law in our courts! I for one am glad its law now!

  11. Isn't it interesting how in close races they always seem to find bags of uncounted democrat votes? This ALWAYS happens. I now presume that 5 to 10 percent of any democrat win is based on fraud.

  12. Anonymous says "they always seem to find bags of uncounted democrat votes.."

    They pick 'em up in front of the stable.

  13. Pleease do up Keith Olbermann soon! One of my favorite idiots!!!

  14. The highest unemployment and forclosure rates in the country and Harry Reid wins re-election?? Hey NV voters maybe in the next 6 years you'll have the most backruptcies in the country, too. You just elected the perfect cockroach for the job.

  15. pryorguy: Keith who?

  16. Wow, seems this site only gets traffic while Rush is on the air.


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