Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wheel Be Seeing You

Not long ago, alleged president Barack Obama informed the world that the United States was embracing a new humility, because "there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

Which is why the Whitehouse must be groaning over Joe Biden's arrogant, dismissive, and derisive comment on the Larry King show that "Daddy is going to start taking the training wheels off" in the Afghan war, so the locals had "better practice riding."

Yep, there's nothing patronizing about a statement like that!

Or a statement like "Daddy is going to spank you like the bad, bad girl you've been," which Biden didn't actually say aloud but which he may have been thinking...if we assume that he actually was thinking. Which we frequently don't.

Of course, apart from Biden's statement being patently offensive to our allies, it's also a bit outdated; because when it comes to this administration, the wheels fell off their foreign policy a long time ago.



  1. BTW, why hasn't Barack & Joe given us the head of Bin Laden yet? I thought that not capturing him was a sign of Bush's incompetence.

  2. Obama and Biden.
    Now which one is Gracie?

  3. Obama wants us to watch the Afghans practice riding so while we aren't paying attention, he can take away OUR whole BIKE. And give it to China.

  4. Well, if the CIA and the drones (hey - there's a good band name!)- anyway - if they keep knocking out the Taliban, 'decent' people might actually get a chance to run things.
    Or at least the 'honest' druglords...
    I swear, it would be easier to evacuate all the 'civilians' to some remote mountains here, flatten the place w/ MOABs for a year or so, then move 'em back...
    Certainly, we could take out the poppy fields... but that WOULD piss off the druglords, and the ONLY employer left would be the Talibs... bad, bad scene.
    Good thing the polits here are all honest, decent people, no corruption...
    >koff, koff<

  5. It is absolutely breaking my heart what this administration is doing to our country. I don't want to hate my President but that's what it is coming to. Thanks, Stilton for this blog, I'm new to it and it is one of my very favorites.

  6. boots- Thank you for being here! I'm really glad you're enjoying the blog!

  7. I too have grown to hate this President and I don't really want to. I've been alive since the Ford years, only been politically aware since the lay year or so of Carter. But really knew what was going on in Reagan's 2nd term as the Cold War was the big thing then with the Soviets in Afghanistan. I've never hated a President, but Obama has got to be the most incompetent and dangerous President we've had in my lifetime. What Obama is doing to this country is unforgiveable.

  8. David- Well said, and we completely agree.

  9. Maybe I've read too many Vince Flynn books, but I always wonder what our fighting forces (especially the special ops guys) think of a president and those in his political party who show by word and deed that they do not fully support the men and women who fight, are wounded and sometimes die for this country. It's more than shameful.

  10. Anonymous- Wouldn't it be nice if it was only in fiction that our fighting forces wondered if the president was really behind them?

  11. I find it very disturbing that a moron like Joe Biden feels it necessary to "dumb things down," for us lowly peons. We got news for ya, Joe. Maybe some of us had a lapse in intellegence in November 2008, but we have certainly recovered from it, now. Please spare us your idiotic metaphors, go back to your cage, and play "TSA Agent" with yourself.


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